Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Evil Children

Evil Children

The New York Times website recently posted an article on how 5 year old children can quickly turn into little gangbangers. Apparently, these brats gravitate toward other children who have similar characteristics or are like minded. Child psychologists call it “best friend syndrome”. These types of close relationships can lead to a high self-esteem and cliques.

“The classic best-friend bond — the two special pals who share secrets and exploits, who gravitate to each other on the playground and who head out the door together every day after school — signals potential trouble for school officials intent on discouraging anything that hints of exclusivity, in part because of concerns about cliques and bullying.” New York Times website

Yep, the next thing you know these little monsters will be drinking 40s, shooting 45s, and have a red or blue handkerchief hanging out of their pockets. But I have a greater fear. These children may not adhere to politically correct ideals and liberal propaganda! Even worse, would be that white children start cliquing together and form some kind of young Republican group. It is very important that white children do not have best friends. This could lead to white children growing up without the proper amount white guilt. In order for the diversification of America to continue, it is imperative that white children develop a sense of self loathing.

Here we have a picture of two evil, best friends in a Ku Klux Klan embrace. Notice the positioning of their feet that white supremacist use to identify each other. Picture from Houston Chronicle website

Now, Oliver Stone, Sean Penn and Michael Moore say this picture is okay, because these two guys are wealthy, leftist, Hispanic people celebrating wealth redistribution in their countries. Stone, Penn, and Moore really have been instrumental in developing a politically correct and anti-capitalist, liberal society in America. I, XLIBERALFOOL, really respect their opinions, and you should too.

So, what is the solution? How can we stop all of these evil children from banding together in politically incorrect and diabolical federations; who are hell bent on taking over the world? Well, do not worry the schools are all over it. This behavior has not gone unnoticed.

“Still, school officials admit they watch close friendships carefully for adverse effects. “When two children discover a special bond between them, we honor that bond, provided that neither child overtly or covertly excludes or rejects others,” said Jan Mooney, a psychologist at the Town School, a nursery through eighth grade private school on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. “However, the bottom line is that if we find a best friend pairing to be destructive to either child, or to others in the classroom, we will not hesitate to separate children and to work with the children and their parents to ensure healthier relationships in the future.”” The New York Times website. friends cliques bullying&st=cse&scp=1

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Downfall of The Republican Party

In the 2008 presidential elections, The Republican candidate John McCain was defeated by now President Barack Obama, whom I affectionately refer to as B.O.. U.S. Senator John McCain is a war hero and a long time statesman from Arizona. B.O. was a largely unknown, first term U.S. Senator. No one is really sure, but we heard he did some sort of community activism before he became a Senator. Now, I know what you are thinking "How bad of shape is The Republican Party in that McCain could not take B.O.?". Well, the answer I am afraid may be worse than The Republican Party loosing support.
Many Americans are starting to realize, that the monumental loss for Republicans in 2008, was a direct result of declining IQ scores among Americans. Parents, sending your children to public schools is the same as setting them up for failure. The U.S. public schools are in horrific state, and have been for a long time now. Well, guess what? All of those 20 something high school undergraduates, can now vote. The guy at McDonald's who can not read the menu? Yep, he can vote. Some of it is that most Americans are absolutely opposed to reading and writing of any kind. (Yeah I know, basically this blog is going straight into oblivion. I have to figure out how to make a video blog if I want anyone to visit my page.) A great majority of those who will not read, have average IQ scores and decent jobs. They just do not want to take the time to read. I think the only demographic in The United States that reads and writes on a regular basis, are deaf people.
My father and I were walking out of a barbecue restaurant one night. In the parking lot we saw a woman getting out of her car. Now this woman was no crack head. She drove a nice SUV. She was professionally dressed, and seemed like a nice lady. She asked us the strangest question "Does this place serve barbecue?". I am telling you there was the fucking, biggest, gaudiest, neon, sign screaming "BARBECUE", right in front of her face. That was my first clue that America is in trouble! I had thought that only White trash, Illegal Immigrants, and ghetto drug slinging thug types of people had this affliction. Certainly not middle class hard working people. I was wrong and the masses of moronic Obamaphiles shoved it in my face.
B.O.'s campaign was tailor made for the uneducated & less sophisticated Americans. It turned out to be a very successful strategy, seeing how dumbed down America has become. It has become so bad that if you send you send your child to private school, you will basically be condemning them to the minority "high IQ" class. They will be surrounded by fart joke people, and always be getting kicked in the nuts by Ashton Kutcher's punk people.
The Republican Party might be in real trouble come this 2012 election. The only way that I can see Republicans doing well in future elections, is if they follow The Democrat's lead and hire someone like Jeff Foxworthy to be their campaign manager. B.O. has got "Change, Yes We Can". Republicans should one up them with "If you vote for Obama, then you might be a red neck". The Republican candidate should not directly speak about any particular issue. When at debates and asked for solution to specific problem he/she should just reply "We are going to get ur done!". Maybe, when asked about an issue he/she should just give a passionate speech about returning America to its former glory. Oh, and promise that other countries are going to start liking us again. It worked for B.O..

Here is the type of voters he pandered in order to take the win.



Or maybe B.O. just purchased their votes!
Think about it. XLIBERALFOOL OUT


Monday, June 21, 2010

Support The NAACP

Apparently, there is a new organization called the NAACP. I looked it up on the internet and as soon as I saw what the acronym stood for, I just new that I wanted to be a part of it. No need to look into what they are all about, the name says it all - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Finally, there is an organization that protects the rights of Anglos (like myself), African Americans, Native Americans, Asians, and Hispanics, all at the same time. My only problem was trying to figure out who they are protecting us colored people from. For years, I have been trying to figure out who this elusive, evil "White Man" is. It is kind of embarrassing that I have been oppressed for so long, and I did not even know who was oppressing me. Well, thanks to the NAACP, I have finally figured it out. I thought - "Colored people. It must be non-colored people!" It finally dawned on me "It's Albinos". If I catch one of those racist Albinos in my neighborhood, I swear to God, I am going to punch him in the fu[king face.
The problem is that, like I was, many of my fellow brothers in this country are confused as to whom exactly these evil "White Men" are. Just like the brother here in this video was confused.

Come on guys, us brothers have to stick together. If we do not work as a team, how will we ever overcome the Albino's "White Man's" oppression?

Gun Control

Man shoots 4, self in Calif. fast food restaurant

By ANDREW DALTON © 2010 The Associated Press

June 20, 2010, 12:55AM

LOS ANGELES — A man opened fire on his stepdaughter's family inside a California restaurant Saturday, killing her husband and 6-year-old son, critically wounding her and another child, and then fatally shooting himself, police said.

What the hell is wrong with these people? This sh!t keeps happening over and over again. Listen, the proper way to commit suicide is by going into the closet and hanging yourself while masturbating. Whatever you do, do not take a bunch of innocent women and children with you. This should just be human nature. What happened? Did he get confused on that whole "women and children first" thing. Women and children first means you try to save them even before yourself. It does not, however, mean they die before you.
California has some of the strictest gun laws in the country. There is no concealed handgun permit or anything. Yet, this multiple felon has a gun and is able to walk right into a restaurant and go Chinese on a family. Gun control laws do not work! All banning concealed handgun permits means is, that only criminals will carry guns. Criminals do not care about our laws. They do whatever they want unless someone forcibly stops them. Unfortunately, there was no one in this restaurant with a concealed hand gun permit to stop this criminal.


I am XLIBERALFOOL, and just in case you do not already know it,


Basically, I am just going to write about anything I want on here, at first. What ever I like and what ever pisses me off. Once I become more familiar with this website, I might start posting videos. This website is a little more challenging than I first thought. I am just going to have to learn by doing I guess.