Thursday, April 28, 2011

Minorities Have Rights Too!

Houston Chronicle article:

16 hours of debate, 1 House redistricting map

Democrats' bids fail, legal action possible as GOP sends bill to Senate

"When we divide our communities of interest, that's the kind of frustration that drives our constituents up a wall," Hochberg said.

Solomons maintained that, based on the legal advice he was getting, Hochberg's district was not a minority district protected by the Voting Rights Act. Nor was Vo's district, he said, even though, as Vo noted, it's 40 percent Asian, 20 percent Hispanic and 20 percent African-American.

"It's hard to please everybody in every area and every district," said Solomons, who chairs the House Redistricting Committee and was at the mike defending his bill for most of those 16 hours.

Although colleagues on both sides of the aisle lauded Solomons' fairness and equanimity, some Democrats questioned his commitment to minority representation.

"Our state is changing rapidly, and it is so important that we create a map that reflects those changing demographics," said Mike Villarreal, the San Antonio Democrat who co-chaired the committee.


This is just horrible.
Everyone knows that the Minorities need a protected habitat in order for them to mate and thrive!
First "the White man" sprays DDT all over the place, causing the Minority's egg shells to become thin... and now "the White man" wants to completely do them in by destroying their natural habitat.
The Minority is the emblem of freedom, and can even be found on the U.S. Presidential Seal!
The Minority's natural habitat must be protected!
Oh wait, I was thinking of the American Bald Eagle!
The liberals treat minorities and American Bald Eagles the same, so I have a difficult time differentiating between the two.
Never mind... please proceed with the redistricting plans.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


A Muslim actress has reportedly caused outrage, receiving threats for posing nude in the German edition of Playboy.

Read more:

.The Mus lims like to ki!! beautiful women and g ays, because many of them are themselves closet h0m0s exuals.
I really have nothing against g ays, but when you mix being g ay and Mus lim... you get a big problem.
The Mus lims that bl ew up the World Trade Center the first time... they tried to gang r@pe a male pr ison guard. The Iran ians are known for ki!!ing the women and r@ping the men. They get so guilt ridden over being h0m0s that the first one who comes out of the closet, they stone to de ath. I really have no problem with h0m0s, but when they think that the only way a Mu slim g ay can enter heaven is by blo wing themselves up... it's a problem.
Someone needs to remind them that it supposed to be 72 FEMALE virgins waiting for them in heaven. I get the feeling that there are quite a few disappointed Mus lims martyrs in heaven right now!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Work more!... so that I don't have to.

Houston Chronicle article:

When the next meal is a maybe

A ground-breaking study takes a look at how many families in area counties are struggling to put food on their tables

Among the findings in a landmark study of food insecurity in area counties: Every day more than 700,000 people in Harris don't know where they will get their next meal.

That was a great article, but there is just one thing that I don't understand.
You all want to give me more federal food stamps? How is that going to feed my twelve children?
Everyone knows that food stamps are meant to be sold for 30 cents on the dollar. So, how will supporting my methamphetamine habit help feed my children?
I mean don't get me wrong. I appreciate the extra meth money. After all, one can never have too much meth.
I just don't get the connection.
more food stamps = more meth... and at the end of the day my twelve, oh make that thirteen now, children still go to bed hungry.
I will never understand you rich folks!

Work more!... so that I don't have to.

Houston Chronicle article:

When the next meal is a maybe

A ground-breaking study takes a look at how many families in area counties are struggling to put food on their tables

Among the findings in a landmark study of food insecurity in area counties: Every day more than 700,000 people in Harris don't know where they will get their next meal.

You people need to get off the damn internet, and get back to work.
What do you all think... that my children are going to feed themselves?
Less time on the internet + you spending more time at work = more tax money to feed my family.
Can't you all hear my stomach growling?
Chop, chop... break time is over... back to work.
You all are on my dime now.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

McDonald's Beat Down

McDonald's in Maryland to Probe Response to Beating

How could this be considered a hate crime? This is just a couple of black women seeking "social justice" in a McDonald's!
Nothing to see here folks, move along.

  • Me thinks that a Bl ack McDonald's is not a safe place for a White or Asian person to be dining. But some Whites and Asians will say "but...but...this is America, and I have the right to be in this gangland McDonald's without being harmed."
    It's just like the war reporters saying that they have the right to be in a war zone without being afraid of getting shot.
    Well maybe so, but that is not reality.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lets Kill Some Babies

Hey... if I want to go off and kill a convenience store clerk, then that is my right. Screw you guys for judging me with self-righteous, ultra-conservative values. Damn. You all do not have the right to belittle me just because I am a staunch supporter of murder! What has become of our society?