16 hours of debate, 1 House redistricting map
Democrats' bids fail, legal action possible as GOP sends bill to Senate
"When we divide our communities of interest, that's the kind of frustration that drives our constituents up a wall," Hochberg said.
Solomons maintained that, based on the legal advice he was getting, Hochberg's district was not a minority district protected by the Voting Rights Act. Nor was Vo's district, he said, even though, as Vo noted, it's 40 percent Asian, 20 percent Hispanic and 20 percent African-American.
"It's hard to please everybody in every area and every district," said Solomons, who chairs the House Redistricting Committee and was at the mike defending his bill for most of those 16 hours.
Although colleagues on both sides of the aisle lauded Solomons' fairness and equanimity, some Democrats questioned his commitment to minority representation.
"Our state is changing rapidly, and it is so important that we create a map that reflects those changing demographics," said Mike Villarreal, the San Antonio Democrat who co-chaired the committee.
This is just horrible.
Everyone knows that the Minorities need a protected habitat in order for them to mate and thrive!
First "the White man" sprays DDT all over the place, causing the Minority's egg shells to become thin... and now "the White man" wants to completely do them in by destroying their natural habitat.
The Minority is the emblem of freedom, and can even be found on the U.S. Presidential Seal!
The Minority's natural habitat must be protected!
Oh wait, I was thinking of the American Bald Eagle!
The liberals treat minorities and American Bald Eagles the same, so I have a difficult time differentiating between the two.
Never mind... please proceed with the redistricting plans.