Is it okay to call these people "white, inbred, trailer trash, meth heads"?
Answer: Yes
Is it okay to call black gang members (whom target whites and asians)/New Black Panthers, "black, baby mama making, ghetto, crack heads"?
Answer: Absolutely not!
So, clearly there is a double standard in regards to what speech is considered racist.
As for the comment about how "black people are poor because they were born poor"/"it is because blacks do not have white privilege" and all of that B.S.... well I grew up poor. I had no options nor any money for college, so I joined the Army and Uncle Sam paid for my education.
I was not alone either. There were many poor whites, blacks, and hispanics in the Army... due to both desire to serve our nation and lack of opportunities in our poor neighborhoods. Because of the horrible environment in public schools, most of us (like myself) only had GEDs. So... most of us received the GI Bill, went to college, and have now become very successful people.
If so many of us poor white, black, and hispanic people were able to succeed, then you can't claim that racism, family poverty, a history of slavery, and "white privilege" are the reaons that other poor whites and minorities did not succeed in life. Many of my old friends chose to stay back in the neighborhood and sell/use drugs. They made unwise decisions.
It is all about the decisions that we make in life... not so much about the cards that we were dealt.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Drug Smuggling Tunnels
'Sophisticated' tunnel found along Arizona border
Houston Chronicle ArticleNOGALES, Ariz. — Authorities in Arizona say they've found a 250-foot-long unfinished smuggling tunnel underneath the U.S.-Mexico border that has electricity, water pumps and ventilation.
Sophisticated my .ss!
The cartels could do better than this.
I want to see a tunnel sitting on 20 inch spinning rims, battery powered hydraulics, and a stereo that threatens to cave the roof in when turned to full volume... all sitting in their parents front lawn!
The drug cartels aren't even trying anymore.
No flare... no no nothing. What a pathetic excuse for a smuggling tunnel.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Ilegal Immigration
Okay... you people want to say that illegal aliens pay there own way here, right?
Well... I say, "Lets have the illegals take the Pepsi challenge!"
We will offer illegals the choice, "You can pay zero, zilch, in taxes... no federal income taxes, SS, Medicare, property taxes, or sales taxes, BUT you do have to pay 100% of all your childrens' eduction costs... no government subsidies whatsoever."
Lets see how many illegal alien takers we find.
Yeah... that's what I thought.
I am not all about kicking children out of school just because they shouldn't be here. Not that I think that they DESERVE an education on America's dime. I just think that it is barbaric to kick kids out of school.
All that I ask is that you pro-illegal-immigration people...refrain from urinating on me and tell me that it's raining!
Well... I say, "Lets have the illegals take the Pepsi challenge!"
We will offer illegals the choice, "You can pay zero, zilch, in taxes... no federal income taxes, SS, Medicare, property taxes, or sales taxes, BUT you do have to pay 100% of all your childrens' eduction costs... no government subsidies whatsoever."
Lets see how many illegal alien takers we find.
Yeah... that's what I thought.
I am not all about kicking children out of school just because they shouldn't be here. Not that I think that they DESERVE an education on America's dime. I just think that it is barbaric to kick kids out of school.
All that I ask is that you pro-illegal-immigration people...refrain from urinating on me and tell me that it's raining!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Ilegal Immigration
tequila wrote:
"Todays "illegals" were who your parents, grandparents or great grandparents were 50 or 100 years ago."
The business are inviting them here... and they are just taking the jobs that Americans don't want.
Tequila, there is nothing special or miraculous about this land. It was the people's sweat and blood that made this nation great. The land is just that... land. Our families literally built this nation from the ground up. Most of that happened after the 1870's when America truly became industrialized. Before that it was just soil. The illegal aliens don't have the same family investment that we have.
Are there Americans of Hispanic decent that have the same investment? Of course. There have been Hispanic families here since before the U.S. even existed. And yes, they have just as much right to be here as anyone else. They are invested in America.
There is a good reason that Americans no longer want those jobs. Americans don't want to compete with unskilled workers who will work for peanuts. Americans were pushed out of those jobs by illegal immigration.
It really doesn't matter at this point. A good percentage illegal immigrants are unemployed now. Some of the illegal immigrants who have been here for better than 15 years are out on the streets begging for jobs. That is what happens when you leave immigration unchecked. More people come flooding in than what we have jobs for.
Now the Dems want to make all of these unemployed illegal immigrants citizens, and thus eligible to apply for the unskilled Walmart/McJobs that are sustaining America's poor right now.
...And that my friends will put the final nail in the American poor people's coffins.
tequila wrote:
"Todays "illegals" were who your parents, grandparents or great grandparents were 50 or 100 years ago."
The business are inviting them here... and they are just taking the jobs that Americans don't want.
Tequila, there is nothing special or miraculous about this land. It was the people's sweat and blood that made this nation great. The land is just that... land. Our families literally built this nation from the ground up. Most of that happened after the 1870's when America truly became industrialized. Before that it was just soil. The illegal aliens don't have the same family investment that we have.
Are there Americans of Hispanic decent that have the same investment? Of course. There have been Hispanic families here since before the U.S. even existed. And yes, they have just as much right to be here as anyone else. They are invested in America.
There is a good reason that Americans no longer want those jobs. Americans don't want to compete with unskilled workers who will work for peanuts. Americans were pushed out of those jobs by illegal immigration.
It really doesn't matter at this point. A good percentage illegal immigrants are unemployed now. Some of the illegal immigrants who have been here for better than 15 years are out on the streets begging for jobs. That is what happens when you leave immigration unchecked. More people come flooding in than what we have jobs for.
Now the Dems want to make all of these unemployed illegal immigrants citizens, and thus eligible to apply for the unskilled Walmart/McJobs that are sustaining America's poor right now.
...And that my friends will put the final nail in the American poor people's coffins.
Osama bin Deaden
Al-Qaida confirms Osama bin Laden's death
CAIRO — Al-Qaida on Friday confirmed the killing of Osama bin Laden and warned of retaliation, saying Americans' "happiness will turn to sadness."XLIBERALFOOL wrote:
al Qaeda is just upset because the senior leadership sent their wives to a "How to take a beating" seminar in Boston Mass., and photos of them showed up on the "S.l.u.t Walk" marching protest website!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Osama bin Deaden

Here are the photos of bin Laden's little butt buddies.
Reuters purchased them from a Pakistani intelligence agent.
There are several photos of the compound and Osama's dead little butt buddies on this Reuters page. You just have to flip through them.
They are graphic...
...but I just don't think of people who support bin Laden as true humans.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Osama bin Deaden
Clear Creek ISD teacher accused of insensitivity
Muslim girl reports alleged bin Laden remark
A Clear Creek ISD teacher has been placed on administrative leave after being accused of making insensitive comments to a Muslim student about the death of Osama bin Laden.XLIBERALFOOL wrote:
People need to quit saying bad things about Osama bin Laden!
He was just a "product of his environment" or "misunderstood". After all, he wasn't a particularly "bad guy". He was "led astray and radicalized during his young, vulnerable years".
Plus, I am pretty sure that he was molested as a child.
By killing O/Usama bin Laden, doesn't that make us just like him... or even worse?
Obama should have given Osama amnesty, or at least a reprieve from the death penalty.
Welcome to the United Liberal States of America.
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