Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lincoln Quotes

"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away men's initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves."
-Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Let's kill some babies!

Houston Chronicle article:

Rick Perry signs anti-abortion pledge

Governor Rick Perry has signed the Susan B. Anthony anti-abortion pledge, making him the seventh Republican candidate for president to do so.

Georgex wrote:
"The piousness continues. Over a million abortions in the U.S. and they are to be jailed. Trying to force this religious stance on the population is an interferrance and the freedom of women and men who have made judgements on their own situations and determined their choice. The pandering to gather the votes of the pious gets old."

It has nothing to do with piousness and religion. Abortion is an affront to human decency. We are not animals. We are not supposed to eat our own. You, and the pro-abortion ideology that you espouse, represent the devolution of humanity that is happening in our society today.
I pray that there will come a day when school children gasp in disgust upon hearing that we allowed people to kill their own offspring, just as I did when learning of the slave trade.
Alas, I fear that will not happen. With all of the pro-abortion folks I see on here, I do feel that it is highly likely that we will be living in grass huts in the distant future. Well, wearing loincloths and going to school to learn to hunt rabbit, better suits you pro-abortionists anyway. Enjoy!

Monday, August 8, 2011

White/Asian Children

Houston Chronicle Article

Demographic revolution plays out at nursing home
Census estimates indicate almost 70 percent of Houston residents 65 and older are Anglo, and 77 percent of those younger than 30 are not

I live in SE Asia four months out of the year. I see many, many White men living in Asia. Which pretty much means that there are many, many half White/Asian children there. If you add the White women who are married to Asian men here in America, the number of White/Asian kids is astounding. Whites and Asians are commingling like never before.
If you have ever seen these White/Asian mixed kids, then you know that they are stunningly beautiful and absolutely brilliant. Most come from good, two parent, upper middle class homes. Many attend private schools (Most pure race children can't even keep up with them in normal schools.). They are fluent in two, sometimes three, different languages. Most hold more than one passport. These are the children who will inherit the earth. They have it all.
Many Asian countries have begun prohibiting "hybrid children" from competitions. They say it is not fair to make pure White and Asian children compete agaisnt them. I think they are right. The only problem with half White/Asian children is that they are horrible at sports. Don't expect to see one in the olympics anytime soon... unless we make atom splitting an olympic sport. Oh well, rather than playing sports, they will just have to settle for owning the stadium.