Monday, June 6, 2011

Race Baiting Democrats

Houston Chronicle article:

Texas Senate OKs congressional redistricting map

AUSTIN, Texas — Texas senators approved a new congressional redistricting map on Monday after a fierce debate over minority representation. The Republican's chief mapmaker, Sen. Kel Seliger, spent much of the debate Monday defending his map against Democratic attack. The measure passed the Senate on an 18-12 party-line vote and now goes to the House for consideration.

Sen. Eddie Lucio, D-Brownsville, questioned why Hispanic communities along the Rio Grande, in Houston and the Dallas-Fort Worth area would not see an increase in congressional representation in line with the state's growing diversity.


@Sen. Eddie Lucio
Is it remotely possible that some of these people are illegal aliens, and thus can't vote at all?
Also, is there any chance that some Hispanics are NOT racist. Seeing that the majority of Hispanics are Roman Catholic, conservative, family values type people... could it be that some do not like the Democrat's stance on abortion, legalizing drugs, and wealth redistribution.
I don't know maybe some Hispanics have been in this country since before it was the United States, and are just as tired of the illegal immigration problem as everyone else.
...but no, none of these things could be true.
Everyone knows that Hispanic people have a "cultural gun to their head" that forces them to vote only for Hispanic politicians.

Race Baiting Democrats

Houston Chronicle article:

Texas Senate OKs congressional redistricting map

AUSTIN, Texas — Texas senators approved a new congressional redistricting map on Monday after a fierce debate over minority representation. The Republican's chief mapmaker, Sen. Kel Seliger, spent much of the debate Monday defending his map against Democratic attack. The measure passed the Senate on an 18-12 party-line vote and now goes to the House for consideration.

Sen. Eddie Lucio, D-Brownsville, questioned why Hispanic communities along the Rio Grande, in Houston and the Dallas-Fort Worth area would not see an increase in congressional representation in line with the state's growing diversity.

"How is it fair that although Anglos only make up 45 percent of our population, but they control 72 percent of our congressional districts," Lucio asked. "It does not make any sense; it is unfair."

The same worn-out, race card is pulled on every issue where Democrats are the underdog. Every single damn debate is de-evolved into a race issue by the Democrats. Even liberals (those who aren't on the extreme far left) are getting tired of the knee-jerk racism accusations. Look at some of the liberal's comments on here. They are slowly turning away from the Democrat's race-card-pulling party line. They still don't like Republicans, and thus are not happy about the redistricting map (and it's okay to say that you don't like it), but they don't like the Democrats "race opposition" tactics either.
This strategy of "if we don't get our way, we will claim racism" is wrong, and there are true victims. Someone claiming racism was a major, horrifying thing back in the '70s, '80s, and even early '90s. It was taken seriously by nearly everyone, and at the least warranted further investigation. Now it has been over used and abused by so many people, that the majority of people have become desensitized; people just brush it off. The question is, what about the people who truly are victims of racism. They deserve to have an outraged public to back them up.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Houston Chronicle article:

Texas higher education turmoil reaches national stage

Perry needs to start giving more money to Prairie View A&M for research and informative seminars. Prairie View A&M University is on the cutting edge of 'White Previledge' (PV A&M Spelling) and "Social Justice" research and dissemination of this information. They are able to disseminate the product of their exhaustive research through so called "S.P.I.T. Knowledge" seminars where the university hires speakers (whom are experts in the field of "White Privilege") to lecture students about the very real evil, threats posed by the white race's mere existence in this country.
I completely support P.V. A&M's use of tax dollars to inform the public of the "white oppression" that minorities face on daily basis. Here is some thoughts of P.V. A&M's most recent paid guest speaker, Tim Wise. I found it quite informative.
We all need to write Gov. Perry and tell him that we support funneling more of our tax dollars toward this kind of extremely high education. Our minorities deserve to know that they are constantly being victimized by the white race. This is what tax dollars were always meant to be spent on. Fellow Chronicle readers, please join me in this most noble of causes!

Edumacation (work in progress)

In all honesty, it's not their job to force, coax, or swindle students into learning. It's not their job to provide monetary incentives for kids to learn, like certain people want to do now. It is their job to provide an opportunity for students to learn. To me that means a classroom, a teacher (50 to 1 ratio), a textbook, a ride to school (actually the parents should take turns carpooling, but whatever), some equipment - a projector, cheap computers (they change all of the time anyways... just the basics), a basic science laboratory, a field and some balls for P.E., etcetera.
This can't cost that much money.
It is not the tax payers who are supposed to provide the desire to learn. Teachers and principals were never supposed to be disciplinarians, babysitters, emotional therapist, parents, and whatever else society tries to throw on their plates.
Teachers are supposed to provide, slow clear, and relevant, academic instruction. The principals position was intended for providing the necessary HR, and other logistical, bureaucratic school structure.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Social Justice

Houston Chronicle article:
"Celebrity Singer's Body Guards Attack Man in Airport"

GreenTomato wrote:
The victim is a white guy so it's ok. He kind of deserved what he got anyway because of what his people did..he's probably a racist anyway..or related to racist or had friends who were related to racist who were whites. So he shouldn't have been annoying the blacks by being in there way or whatever cause blacks can't be racist what they did is OK because their people were treated bad..slavery and all that mess was so bad. So it just kind of evens out now. So just forget about it because it's kind of like payback time.

The slave that takes the whip from the hand of his master, and defends himself with it... cannot be considered as doing something wrong.
I learned that from the New Black Panthers, and that is exactly what happened here.
This poor black woman was just seeking "social justice" here, because the white man has never let her succeed in anything, her entire life. She was born poor; she will die poor, and her children will always be poor. That is what "institutional racism" is currently doing to black people struggling to live a meager existence in AmeriKKKa.
It's just so darn sad!

Political Mistresses

Fox News article:
John Edwards Indicted for Hush Money to Mistress During 2008 Presidential Campaign

As much as I detest John Edwards, I think he is correct on this point.
My friends should be able to pay anyone off in order to shut them up on my behalf.
I have to say though, if they were true friends... then they would have paid that woman to keep her legs shut, rather than her mouth.

Also, if Edwards is guilty because his friends paid hush money to the slu+, then so are the friends... and don't forget about the slu+. If one conspirator goes down, then they should all go down.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Kill the Christians!!!

Houston Chronicle article:
Islamic Students in Houston Area Madrassa Memorize the Koran


It's their religion. They have the right to worship it how they choose.
There is something missing in this commenting section.
Where are the far left comments from people like "Religion is for the weak" (or whatever his exact name is)?
You all know the ones that I am talking about. The far left people who trash Christianity under the guise of being "anti-religion". There are so many of their comments under every story that is even remotely linked to Christianity. Now here is a story about a different religion, and not a single comment... not a damn peep out of them.
Their silence on this article's commenting section is deafening!

Kill the Christians!!!

Houston Chronicle article

He did not say that atheist & agnostics "couldn't" be on these forums.
He merely implied that their sole purpose for patronizing these sites is to offend Christians.
I believe he is correct, but the truth is that Christians do not have the right to stop someone from saying or doing something just because they find it offensive.
I just wish that atheist, agnostics, and people of other religions would also recognize that they lack this right as well.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ilegal Immigration

Houston Chronicle comment:

247273 wrote:
Listen hillbillies, trailer trash, crackers, bush, lone star drinking, next time you go to a restaurant, call the ICE hotline and report these illegal aliens. I am tired of all the complaining. Put an end to these restaurants hiring illegal’s, especially all the fancy ones down river oaks. Stop complaining and go out and vote for stricter immigration laws.

I prefer people who drink Lone Star, over people who depend on Lone Star to feed their non-American family.