Friday, December 31, 2010

Jesus & Capitalism, Mathew 25:13-30

13 “Therefore stay alert, because you do not know the day or the hour. 14 For it is like a man going on a journey, who summoned his slaves and entrusted his property to them. 15 To one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. 16 The one who had received five talents went off right away and put his money to work270 and gained five more. 17 In the same way, the one who had two gained two more. 18 But the one who had received one talent went out and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money in it. 19 After a long time, the master of those slaves came and settled his accounts with them. 20 The one who had received the five talents came and brought five more, saying, ‘Sir, you entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more.’ 21 His master answered, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave! You have been faithful in a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master.’ 22 The one with the two talents also came and said, ‘Sir, you entrusted two talents to me. See, I have gained two more.’ 23 His master answered, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave! You have been faithful with a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master.’ 24 Then the one who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Sir, I knew that you were a hard man, harvesting where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter seed, 25 so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. See, you have what is yours.’ 26 But his master answered, ‘Evil and lazy slave! So you knew that I harvest where I didn’t sow and gather where I didn’t scatter? 27 Then you should have deposited my money with the bankers, and on my return I would have received my money back with interest! 28 Therefore take the talent from him and give it to the one who has ten. 29 For the one who has will be given more, and he will have more than enough. But the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. 30 And throw that worthless slave into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth’” (Matthew 25:13-30). 271

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Houston Chronicle article:

New plan for an old cause

The force behind Charlie Wilson's War is at it again — trying to bring Afghanistan and its people into the 21st century

Lily1 Commented:
This woman has again stepped up to the plate with what should be a logical response to assist Afghanistan. We already know that our current crop of diplomats are idiots and political hacks. Maybe if the US would have provided the assistance needed all those years ago we would not now be spending billions and losing our men and women in this difficult place.

Xliberalfool replied:
@ lily1, cyfairdog, & common sense:
I knew that somehow al Qaeda and the Taliban were our fault.
What a load of B.S.!!!!
If the Taliban and al Qaeda hadn't set up shop in Afghanistan, then it would have been in some other S. hole country. There are many poor countries in the world, but you do not see all of them behaving like this.
Paki-ghanistan, Yemen, and Somalia are all screwed up, because of their backward, tribal ideology.
Why would we reward bad behavior, by dumping billions of dollars (that we would have to barrow) into infrastructure for Afghanistan? They would just blow it up, anyway.
There are many other countries that would be more deserving, and more appreciative of our assistance.
We cannot afford to go around, trying to change every jihadi infested country, into South Korea!
Whenever we see a terrorist organization hunkering down in some rat hole country, we should hit the terrorist hard with unmanned drones. We can send in elite ground units, and support them with air power, if need be. Wherever these nasty bastards pop their heads up, we need to knock it off... quickly and quietly.
Just leave their central government alone. Their central government is not our problem!

Social Security and Medicare

Article on the Houston Chronicle's website:
"The first baby boomers will be old enough to qualify for Medicare Jan. 1, and many fear the program's obituary will be written before their own."

Xliberalfool commented:
Baby boomers paid into the Medicare/Social Security system, and then they depended on the government to take care of them, when it came time. That is all fine and well. Where they screwed up is by letting politicians spend that money, instead of saving it. I do feel sorry for my father's generation, but I feel worse for mine and my daughter's generations. Now, we have to pick up the check.

Crazy Africa

(CNN) -- U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, distressed over a call to attack the hotel where Ivory Coast's president-elect and U.N. security forces are based, said Thursday that the forces are "authorized to use all necessary means to protect its personnel" and any others at the location.

Xliberalfool replied to DoubleDump:
The vast, vast majority of dead Iraqi and Afghani civilians were killed by Iraqi, Afghani, and Pakistani mooslims. The Taliban just recently killed 12 Afghan civilians with a road side bomb. Marvelous people!!!

...but don't let the truth get in the way of your hatred for the west. We wouldn't want that, now would we.

And our government is concerned about dead innocent civilians. Yeah right!. Drone attacks. Dead Iraqi and Afghan civilians. What a crock of ...!

Crazy Africa

(CNN) -- U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, distressed over a call to attack the hotel where Ivory Coast's president-elect and U.N. security forces are based, said Thursday that the forces are "authorized to use all necessary means to protect its personnel" and any others at the location.

Xliberalfool commented:
Both the United Nations and these little cesspool African nations, are worthless! We need to get rid of the U.N., befriend the decent African countries, and completely ignore these crazy cesspool nations in Africa. When they get there stuff together, then they are welcome to join the rest of the world.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Romanian, SkyDiving, Liberals

Yahoo News story:
"BUCHAREST, Romania – Romania's Parliament cancelled a no-cofidence vote Thursday after a man flung himself from the chamber's balcony, apparently in protest over the governmen't austerity measures."

Xliberalfool wrote:
So, why did they cancel the vote? Now that the people of the world knows that this works, Romanian government workers are going to be doing "swan dives" from every balcony in the country.
The U.S. will not be much better. The floor of the U.S. House of Representatives is going to be littered with "fallen liberals"!!!


Houston Chronicle story:
"Harris County law enforcement agencies will again crack down on drunken drivers during Christmas and New Year's, but the expanded operations no will longer be limited to holiday weekends."
"The "no refusal" initiative — a countywide program that expedites search warrants for blood samples from drunken driving suspects who refuse breath tests"

Xliberalfool wrote:
Hey, I am fine with this. Give me a blood alcohol test, DNA test, pull my hair out - for a drug test, get a warrant to make me turn my head & cough, or do colonoscopy on me... anything like that is alright by me.
Just as long as they do not ask to see our drivers license, registration, or proof of insurance. The police asking to see someone's papers, is too much like Nazi Germany! It may also put unequal burden on minority drivers.

...or at least that is what B.O.'s lackey, A.G. Eric Holder, has been telling us.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Chronicle Story:
NAACP and LULAC are seeking federal intervention over the “racially or ethnically offensive” curriculum.

Xliberalfool wrote:
Ha!!! You all think that the Texas SBOE is a racist organization? You all should really check out the organizations who operate our nuclear power facilities. Our nuclear power plants are almost entirely operated by Anglos & Asians.
We need to correct this, and bring "diversity" to our nuclear power industry.
What we can do is just "layoff" all of the Anglos & Asians who currently operate the nuclear reactors. Then we will simply replace these workers by hiring people of "minority races" to perform their jobs.
This will be affirmative action, so need to worry about minor technicalities like... educational backgrounds and past experience.
The United States will be a "shining/glowing" example of diversity in the workplace.

Xliberalfool wrote:
The NAACP also considers the teaching of students, that slavery was only a small part of the Civil War, as "re-writing history".
An excerpt from President Abraham Lincoln's first inaugural address:
“I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.”
"The government will not assail you, You can have no conflict, without being yourselves the aggressors. You have no oath registered in Heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to ‘preserve, protect and defend’ it.”
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2008. © 1993-2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
The truth is that the NAACP simply wants to teach "selective/buffet-style" history. They only want to teach the parts of history, that suits their agenda. Everything else is blasphemy.

Xliberalfool wrote:
Questions that come to mind, when I read this article:
1) Does your family NEED to eat at a restaurant for dinner tomorrow night?
==== People can live off of chicken, corn, Top Ramen, ect...
2) Does your child NEED the most expensive brand names in clothing and shoes?
==== Children can learn just as well, while wearing used clothing and plastic sneakers.
3) Does your child NEED the latest Wii/Playstation video game consoles?
==== Quite the opposite. Give them a ball, bat, and glove - and kick them out of the house during the summer. Your children will probably be much happier, healthier, and smarter if you do.
4) Does your child NEED a private school education?
==== They do, if you want him/her to be able to compete with my daughter in the "cut-throat" business world of the future.
I would never let these leftist organizations dictate what my child is going to learn in school

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mexican Drug Cartels

Some Mexicans demonstrated in the streets Monday for a third straight day to show support for a slain drug lord who reputedly gave money and preached religion to the poor.

Xliberalfool commented:
What do you expect! With the exception of a few educated Latinos, they are all a bunch of communist. In Latin America, even the Catholic priests are communist. Pope John Paul II had to go there, and publicly scold the priests for aiding the communist rebels.
CNN story "Train of Death" June 2010
Catholic priest Alejandro Solalinde:
"Solalinde has a kindly face but blames free market capitalism and bad government for crushing the economies of central America"

This YouTube video is a must see. These illegal aliens bring with them, their leftist communist ideology to America.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Crime, Drugs

The incident started early Sunday when two Houston police officers working an extra job at a club near Westheimer and Sage were walking out to their personal vehicles and heard gunfire.

raj wrote:
"To all you folks that have jumped to the conclusion that these were illegal aliens and had something to do with drug cartel violence bleeding over to Houston....I went back and reread the article twice more to make certain I wasn't missing something. Where did you read that the shooters were Hispanic? Where did you read that this had something to do with drugs? I happen to remember being around the Galleria and, from time to time, seeing white guys too. In fact I saw people of all races and color. Shame on you for jumping to those conclusions of yours. Judge not lest ye be judged."

Xliberalfool replied:
Two men in a car, one waiving a gun and firing into the air.

Nope. There is no way that drugs were involved. I just can't see it.

Lerberal Edumacation Dun Me Gud

Lerberal Edumacation in Tejas Dun Me Gud

Who says that liberals cannot provide children with a decent education? I will have you know that the liberal education system in Texas, taught me about all sorts of wonderful things. I was clay in a potter’s hands, and they molded me into the man I am today!

Sometimes, I thank God for the liberal education that the Alief Independent School District so graciously provided me. From time to time, you have to show children what being wrong looks like. Otherwise, they may not learn to identify flawed ideology as being flawed, and it is possible that they may choose the wrong path in life. Well, I received a healthy dose of flawed ideology in my secondary schools.

My liberal indoctrination started at the beginning of my first year at Albright Middle School. Yes, I was in the sixth grade at that time. Liberals like to start feeding their students trash when they are young. That way if a student is smart enough to pick up on the flawed ideology being fed to them, then hopefully they will be too timid to call bullshit on their teachers.

The first time that I received a whiff of the liberal’s stench, I was in my 6th grade English class. I wasn’t too sure what to make of it at first, but I knew that it did not smell right. Mr. Mc Sweeny thought it wise to take an hour out of our day, to explain to the class how “gangster rap” is the modern day version of “poetry”. I kept my mouth shut, and said nothing. This is how liberals get you hooked. They start out by offering you some “liberal marijuana”. The liberals will tell you, “Try it. You will like it. You see; it is not addictive. You can take it or leave it at anytime.”. The next thing you know, they are shoving a glass pipe full of “liberal crack cocaine” into your mouth, during science class.

Ah yes, Mrs.________’s sixth grade science class. So kind and wise was she, that she offered us a book stand full of reading material that we could barrow at anytime. And I did just that. Most of the reading material was in the form of magazines. I found one with a headline in it that intrigued my developing mind, “The U.S. Government Invented AIDS to Kill Black People”. So I read the article, and to my astonishment, it described - quite forcefully, how in fact the U.S. Government HAD invented the HIV virus in order to kill all of the black people. I thought to myself, “This has been published in a MAGAZINE, so it must be true.”. I was only eleven years old at the time! Later that evening, I was sitting at the dinner table with my family, and I turned to my parents and said “Daddy dearest, Mummy dearest, why does the U.S. Government want to kill off all of the black people?”. Daddy dearest looked at me ever so lovingly, and replied “Boy, what the hell are you talking about?”. I explained how I had read this nugget of information in a magazine that was offered to me by my science teacher. I believe Daddy dearest was skeptical about the veracity of my claim, because he asked me to bring this magazine home for his viewing pleasure. The next evening, I brought the very same magazine to my Daddy dearest, so that he might also gain the knowledge that I had been given in my science class. After all, the entire cornucopia of reading material was there for students to barrow, at anytime. Daddy dearest taught me a new term that evening. “Liberal SMUT magazine”, I believe he called it. That night, my Daddy dearest wrote a colorful letter to my science teacher, which I was obliged to deliver before school began the next day. My science teacher had yet to arrive at school, so I left the letter and the magazine on her desk, and went about my day. That afternoon, before science class began, my teacher took the time to dutifully explain that in fact not all of the reading material was intended for students, and that we needed to practice “self censorship” when viewing her reading material.

Well, I have grown older and wiser since that fateful day in science class, and now I know the truth about AIDS and the HIV virus that causes it. We, Anglo Republicans, did not invent AIDS to kill off all of the black people! We invent KIDS (Koala Immune Deficiency Syndrome, just Google it) to kill off all of the Koala bears, in Australia. Africans and Gays were just collateral damage. How were we supposed to know that they like to screw Koala bears? Damn, I guess it is true what they say about the road to hell being paved by good intentions! Oh yeah, and if there are any children reading this blog, then they need to practice “self censorship” on my previous statements. :)

Seventh grade can be summed up by one name for me, Rodney King. Rodney King, this asshole career criminal, rightfully gets his ass whopped for running from the LA Police Department, and everyone goes ape shit. When police that were involved got acquitted by the state justice system, the black people in Los Angles hooped, hollered, burned down each other’s homes, and a bunch of South Korean people’s businesses. Brilliant!

My seventh grade English teacher, Mr. Eldridge, thought it would be prudent and politically correct to have a class discussion about how the police departments are all racists, and how unfair the police were to Rodney King. Of course, the student sheep, lined up one by one, and mimicked the liberal propaganda which they had been spoon fed by the teachers and the media. “Baaaa baaaa” the student sheeple said. Well, I was finished running to my Daddy dearest whenever I heard some liberal bullshit in the classroom. I waited my turn, thought about what I was going to say, and politely stated how I felt. I said “Everyone knows that if you run from the police, then you are going to take a beating. I know that if I run from the police, the cops will beat me. Oh wait, but then it would not be racist, because I am white.” Mr. Eldridge cut me off before I could finish my statement, and declared that this topic had become too controversial for a classroom. It is funny how it was not controversial when his point of view prevailed. It was only controversial when I challenged his fragile paradigm of the world. Oh and then, when we left the class, I was told by the African American students that I better shut up about Rodney King, or I need to watch my back. Marvelous people!

As you have probably figured out by now, I was not very popular at Albright Middle School. Not with the liberally indoctrinated students, nor with the liberal indoctrinating faculty. The found the need to constantly call Mummy dearest, and cry “Your child is a bad seed!”. Well, my Mummy dearest decided that she no longer wanted to entertain Mr. Eldridge’s calls. She dispatched me with a message for Mr. Eldridge to stop contacting my Mummy dearest at her work, and to call my Daddy dearest instead. I succeeded in conveying this message to Mr. Eldridge, but I received an unusual reply from him. Mr. Eldridge told me that he would call whomever he damn well felt like, and that he felt it better to talk to “troubled student’s” mothers rather than their fathers. I guess getting your ass kicked in the school parking lot a couple of times, by the fathers of the students that you have been bullying, will make you think twice about talking down to real men!

One day, that bastard child, Mr. Eldridge, had the nerve to tell me, in front of the class, that I dress for school, as if I were going to the beach. I didn’t have any money for a bunch of clothes, so if the two pairs of jeans that I had were dirty, then I wore shorts. Yes, even sometimes during the winter.

Well I failed Mr. Eldridge’s seventh grade English class, but I wonder what that stupid, liberal prick thinks of my English now? I hope that he did his future students a favor and “offed himself” shortly after I left Albright Middle School. His profession was not even that of a teacher. He was some “has been” who could not hack it in the real world, so he fell into a $25k per year job “teaching” English.


As police continue to search for a suspect, the mother of a Sharpstown High School student mourned the loss of her 17-year-old daughter, who was killed Friday night in a shooting in southwest Houston.

HardWorkinMom wrote:
"How many more children need to be murdered before something REAL is done? This city is becoming a it NW, SW, SE....white, black, brown legal or illegal. Seriously....something in our society just ain't many more deaths before our politicians realize it?"

Xliberalfool replied:
...becoming? HardWorkinMom, it has been a cesspool for a long time now.


Comment on: Chase leaves suspect dead, but baby is recovering at 12/12/2010 8:14 PM CST

Xliberalfool wrote:
Oh, you all quit criticizing this guy for bringing an infant to a robbery. Everyone knows that it was "bring your children to work day" for criminals!

Crime, Immigration

Comment on: 2 suspects sought in Woodlands home robbery at 12/12/2010 7:42 PM CST

Xliberalfool wrote:
It sounds like the Woodlands is celebrating open-borders day.
The incident started early Sunday when two Houston police officers working an extra job at a club near Westheimer and Sage were walking out to their personal vehicles and heard gunfire.

MongollRim commented:
"teh polices shoudn't work in strip clubs."

Xliberalfool replied:
Yes. I can't stand "teh polices" who earn an honest living.


The incident started early Sunday when two Houston police officers working an extra job at a club near Westheimer and Sage were walking out to their personal vehicles and heard gunfire.

HoustonVeteran Wrote:
Ok, so is this nightclub on Sage near Westheimer the Men''s Club perhaps? Why is it so hard for them to actually gives us the name of the club? Are they embarrassed to say that their officers who work so hard are moonlight at strip clubs? Or is it another club near the intersection next to region's bank which looks like a typical mob hangout? Why is it so hard for them to tell us exactly where this started so we don't patronize clubs that allow violations of the guns in bars laws.

Xliberalfool replied:
I am guessing that they did not publish the name of the club, because it really is not integral to the story. The criminals did not come out of the club. Where the officers were working at the time, makes little difference in the grand scheme of things. I am just glad that they were there.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Football is Not Diverse Enough!!!

Commented on RamzPaul blog

"The head coach of the Denver Broncos (my favorite team) was fired this week. Eric Studesville who is African-American was named his replacement. This is a HUGE hire for the cause of Diversity Is Our Strength©. For many years Cultural Marxists have lamented that TOO MANY head coaches have been White."


You see, that is not diversity. How many of those 64 African American football players, are openly gay? That is what I thought... not diverse enough.

If you think football is bad, then you should take a look at the nuclear physics field, in America. The entire field is made up of Anglos and Asians. Now that is not diversity, but I have a solution. We will take out "affirmative action guide book", and hire African American construction workers to run our nuclear power facilities. I think that would work out well.

Wikileaks debacle

commented on WikiLeaks: Socialist tortillas part of Venezuelan revolution
You know what? I would be pretty pissed off if I found out that our clandestine agencies were not spying on the U.N. and other countries. What exactly do you all think we pay them to do?...sit on their hands?...or make candy perhaps?

Hell no!!! We pay them to promote U.S. interest abroad, and in a clandestine manner.

Actually, I am a little pissed off. For the money we give them, we should be getting better intelligence than how Pepe is serving pita bread, in Venezuela. Our clandestine agencies better get out there, and start doing a better job!


Supporters of a bill that would provide a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants who attended college or served in the military won a reprieve Thursday when Senate Democrats delayed a vote on the divisive legislation.

Xliberalfool wrote:
Okay, I have to make a decision here. What should I tell Cornyn and KBH to do?
Well, lets look at my situation.
I am from Houston, but I currently live in the Philippines. My Filipina wife and I just adopted our daughter here in the Philippines. I want to bring my family home with me now, but apparently we have these new things called "visas". ... and if you do an in-country adoption, then you have to wait for two years before you can apply for said "visas". Once you apply, it takes one to two years for them to approve it. So, basically it is going to take me 3 to 4 years to get my family back home with me the lawful way.
Now should I tell Cornyn and KBH (with a single tear running down my eye), that these people whom just hopped, skipped and jumped their way to America, should be allowed legal status?
Hell no! Let them go back to their countries of origin, and try coming to America the right way!

Mexican Drug Cartels

Commented on: MORELIA, Mexico — Federal police hunted for top leaders of the La Familia drug cartel in a western Mexican state on Thursday, unleashing narco-blockades and shootouts that have left at least five people dead, including an 8-month-old baby.

Typical Illegal Immigrant wrote:
"If the only place you could get a well-paying job was with a drug gang, you would probably take it. It's the insane drug prohibition in this country that fuels the fire. End the prohibition, and remove all profits from drug dealing, and this violence will end overnight. Keep you prohibition, and this insanity will never end."

Xliberalfool wrote:
Shoot! I sent the drug cartels my application last week. I haven't heard back from them yet. Is there anyway you can call your family in Mexico, and get me set up with an interview? I don't know maybe they are not "equal opportunity employers" like we are here in "el norte".

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Comment on: House passes DREAM Act at 12/8/2010 11:26 PM CST

I have solution to the illegal immigration problem. No jobs, no illegal immigration!How's about you liberals walk into your teenager's bedroom, kick the "doobie" out of their fat, pudgy hands, and send them to work in the fields for a dollar an hour.Then they will learn the true value of a dollar.That way - when they grow up, and some liberal law maker wants to take those dollars away from them, they might just put up a fight.


Commented on Houston Chronicle:
A Houston businessman mounted a hidden camera inside a bathroom at his company to secretly film women who were changing clothes, police said. Stanley Marrder, 38, was charged Monday with two counts of making improper photographs or visual recordings, authorities said.

I also, was considering putting up cameras in the bathroom of my establishment, but the police told me that it was illegal. The cameras were not intended to film women undressing, or anything perverted like that, but to catch the thieves who keep ripping me off!!!
Every morning before work, I putt a full roll of toilet paper in the tissue dispenser. Then at the end of the workday, without fail... a significant portion of the toilet paper is missing!
I have even started checking customer's bags and pockets for toilet paper, as they come out of the restroom, but these thieves are SMART!
If this thievery continues, I will be forced to resort to "TSA style body searches" on customers who "fit the profile".
These thieves are costing me a small fortune. What do they think... that toilet paper grows in trees? I wouldn't mind it so much if people would just BORROW the toilet paper, and then return it when they were done using it. Some people have absolutely no sense of morality!
I am eventually going to figure this out, and when I do... Well, you know what they say - He who laughs last, laughs loudest!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Immigration - bible

John 10 (King James Version)

John 10

1Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.

New International Version (©1984)
"I tell you the truth, the man who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber.


Commented on: U.S. Education System Can't Crack Top 10 in Science and Math. Houston Chronicle article December 08, 2010

Well damn, it is worse than that! Half of American students, aren't even American by any stretch of the imagination.

I am surprised that Great Britain did not score in the top 10 for science. The U.K. public education system is a diversity wonderland!
Here is one of my favorite "feel good stories" out of the U.K..
A British teacher actually had her student ARRESTED by the police, for asking to be placed in science group with students who speak English... in England.
This is coming soon to a school near you!!!
Excerpt from story:
"According to Codie, the five - four boys and a girl - then began talking in a language she didn't understand, thought to be Urdu, so she went to speak to the teacher.
"I said 'I'm not being funny, but can I change groups because I can't understand them?'
But she started shouting and screaming, saying 'It's racist, you're going to get done by the police'."
Read more:


Comment on: Obama, GOP reach deal to extend tax cuts at 12/7/2010 5:01 AM CST

FBlaze wrote:

I have a suggestions for those wealthy americans that are now getting their tax cuts extended. Do as Jesus says in Matthew 19:16-38. Wealth will not buy you a ticket to heaven. It is better to help out your fellow man on earth. Use that extra money to assist the needy and those people who are down on their luck. There are homeless shelters, shelters for abused women, food pantries, animal sanctuaries, and many other worthy causes that are in desperate need of material and monetary donations. Instead of donating to political causes and tea party movements concerned citizens should donate to the needy in this country. If conservative christians really want to show there humanity they should donate without expecting rewards in this world because they will receive them in heaven.

Xliberalfool wrote:

Granted, America needs SS. Although, the minimum age for SS benefits needs to be a few years higher than what it is now. People are just living longer now a days.

.We need to tackle the root cause of why older people are not working... Ageism in the workplace. .I never really understood that whole "ageism deal" anyway. When I finally get my businesses up off the ground, I will prefer to hire older people.

.In general, they are hard working, punctual, and have a wealth of valuable knowledge. Why an employer would not want that much life experience in their employees, I will never understand.


Comment on: Obama, GOP reach deal to extend tax cuts at 12/7/2010 4:25 AM CST

ProudTXDem wrote:
I have a suggestions for those wealthy americans that are now getting their tax cuts extended. Do as Jesus says in Matthew 19:16-38. Wealth will not buy you a ticket to heaven. It is better to help out your fellow man on earth. Use that extra money to assist the needy and those people who are down on their luck. There are homeless shelters, shelters for abused women, food pantries, animal sanctuaries, and many other worthy causes that are in desperate need of material and monetary donations. Instead of donating to political causes and tea party movements concerned citizens should donate to the needy in this country. If conservative christians really want to show there humanity they should donate without expecting rewards in this world because they will receive them in heaven.

Xliberalfool replied:

Honestly, what the hell are you talking about? Charitable donations by conservative Christians, make up a significant portion of all money donated in America - the most charitable nation on earth.

.All we ask is that you not force us to donate to your preferred cause, and call it taxes.

Oh, and another thing. How about you ask your friends, that run some of these charities, to quit giving themselves massive paychecks with our money..The anti-Anglo, far left, racist need to get out of the charity business, as well..So, you think that your child deserves a scholarship from the Gates Millennium Scholars fund? Well, think again. He/she doesn't deserve it, because your child is white, and Anglo children need not apply!!!


.If these are the types of charities that you are talking about... then I think that I can find a better use for my money!

Ghostdance replied:
Charitable donations are tax deductible, of course. The government is according to the Constitution supposed to promote the common good and support the general welfare, which is to say raise the standard of living. Without the social safety nets for the less fortunate, the disabled, the unemployed, the homeless, our standard of living would tank. We already rank 13th behind the social democracies of Europe. Think of how much we could help our people if we weren't spending a trillion annually on pentagon and homeland security.

Xliberalfool replied:
@ ghostdance
"The government is according to the Constitution supposed to promote the common good and support the general welfare, which is to say raise the standard of living."
Yes, via good economic policy, enforcing laws, and ensuring capitalism is conducted in a ethical manner... not by promoting "Robin Hood" policies.
There are many people in this world who would like nothing more, than to do us harm. Without a well funded defense program, the peace and security that is required for a vibrant economy, and thus a high standard of living, would not present. I do not think that any of us want to live in a country that will not defend its citizens from violent attack.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Comment on: Anti-deport effort would shield immigrants from Mexico violence at 12/6/2010 8:56 AM CST

Oh, I just had a splendid idea!!!

.Lets just get rid of borders altogether! Our government will build a bridge over the Bering Strait, and unite Asia with North America & South America. United by the leadership of "the Kings and Queens of Old", we will bask in everlasting peace & prosperity. All of the people and animals will hold hands together, and we will finally have true equality for all of God's creatures.
We will call this land "Narnia".

.Oh wait, that was movie! Mexican drug cartels are Mexico's problem. Deport the criminals now!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I caught the Bill Maher interview on GPS.CNN. Good stuff.
Here is what leftist, liberal, DemocRats think about INDEPENDENT VOTERS.

Fareed Zakaria:
"In this election 57% of Independents voted Republican. What does that tell You?"

Bill Maher:
"That tells me that Independents don't pay that much attention.
Independents are just people who throw out the people who are in power, because Obama got elected and it didn't immediately start raining twenties - so throw the bums out -

Part of what I'm saying is the bums they just threw out two years ago they wanted to put back in -
No wonder we can't get anything done in this
Um, so this idea that the independents are these careful thinkers
who access what is going on - I do not think that is what the independent voter is-
I just think that they are cranky people!"
Well this is what the leftist liberal DemocRats think of you. You are welcome to vote Republican, anytime.

Crime, Immigration

Comment on: Mexico judge: Boy may get just 3 years in beheadings at 12/5/2010 7:30 PM CST

An American, this boy is not. I do not care where he was born.

Grampa is Smoking Crack!!!

Comment on: Missing grandad found, and put behind bars at 12/5/2010 7:21 PM CST

This is exactly why we need to legalize drugs. Then every grandfather could take their grandson with them, when they go on crack binges. Yep, I like it. "The family that smokes crack together, stays together!!!"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sell a fallen soldier

Comment on: Indiana man reconsiders plan to sell fallen Marine's medals at 12/1/2010 9:38 PM CST

It was a wise move, if not an honorable one. The minute that someone puts those medals up for sale on eBay, true Americans will be sending that person hate mail.


Comment on: Falkenberg: Pro-immigration protesters' cause stopped short at 12/1/2010 10:45 PM CST

What don't they understand about "No immigration legislation, until they secure the border!"???.The "open-borders people" fooled us once, during the 1980's. We are not falling for it again!


Chronicle article: HPD faces budget cuts for lost red light camera revenue

Here is an idea. Why don't we keep the career thieves in prison, execute the murderers and rapists, and then we will not need so many police officers?
...and no. I am not talking about the "4 star" prisons that we have right now. No air conditioning, and very few prison guards. If they misbehave, just don't feed them! The prisoner's "Cadillac health care plan" is going to have to take some serious cuts as well.
Honestly. Can anyone say that the guy who raped and beat to death that 4 year old girl (I think his name was Coe.), deserves to live? ...and on our dime? That is pure, unadulterated insanity!

I totally agree w/ enforcement of our death penalty - they need to speed up the executions ... as far as the 4-star prisons, you apparently have never toured one - I sure as hell wouldn't want to be in one ... apparently none of them like it too much either since so many of them would rather shoot it out w/ the cops rather than go back to prison ... I believe someone has really sold you a line if they told you Texas prisons are choice places to spend time.

Xliberalfool Replied back:
Then why do they cost so damn much, and why do ex-cons (apparently) want to go back?
How are they running their criminal gangs from prison? Mail? Then stop giving them mail rights.
I have to believe that, if what you say is true, then it must be their fellow inmates that makes prison so horrible.
I don't mean to come off cranky, but I am sick of the criminal population!!!

Different person replied:

Then why do they cost so damn much,
Good question. I thought privatizing prisons was supposed to *save* money...
and why do ex-cons (apparently) want to go back?
It's not that they *want* to go back. Think about have a prison record, try getting a job, renting an apartment, etc.
How are they running their criminal gangs from prison? Mail? Then stop giving them mail rights.
My first guess would be that the guards are being bribed.
CDhouston said:
I totally agree w/ enforcement of our death penalty - they need to speed up the executions ...
Have you not been paying attention? Have you not heard of the inmates that have been exonerated?

Xliberalfool replied back:

and why do ex-cons (apparently) want to go back?
It's not that they *want* to go back. Think about have a prison record, try getting a job, renting an apartment, etc.
These criminals are not stealing bread. Trust me, most of these people are no angles "just down on their luck".
Anyway they have made their life decisions, and they chose unwisely.
No one wants to live with thieves.


Comment on: Hurled empanadas foil New Mexico thief at 12/1/2010 8:08 AM CST

Ahhhh, so this is what you do, if your country does not allow yo to arm yourselves! It is a good thing that the thief was not armed with french bread.


Comment on: Man sought in Houston-area sexual assault at 12/1/2010 7:15 PM CST

Okay, just check that sketch against the pictures of felons that Texas Department of Corrections has recently released. Find him, run DNA tests, try him, and if found guilty - then string him up in front of the court house the very next morning.

.This is the only way that we are going to stop these murderers and rapists.


Comment on: Koreans in Houston area fret over homeland at 11/27/2010 12:17 AM CST

The great part about the "Irak" war is that it was impossible for us to loose it. Only Iraqis could loose that war. Well, I guess we could of failed to remove Saddam from power, but that was never going to happen.

.If Iraqis don't want their country rebuilt, then we should not force it on them.

Mexican Drug Cartels

Comment on: More than 8,300 rounds of ammo seized at border at 11/26/2010 11:16 PM CST

Your anti-capitalism stance, while being completely flawed, has nothing to do with this topic. So, we will have to tackle that another day.

Hmm, corruption? Mexico is one of the most corrupt places on earth. Their officials looked the other way for decades, in return for a share of the drug profits. I think that you can figure out where the blame lies on that one..

As far as our "appetite for illicit drugs goes, well.... Amen, You would think the people of this country would have learned to sell out their moral principals, and start blaming drug-users for the drug-dealers behavior.

.When will people learn that it is much easier to scapegoat people with an addiction, than to put the blame where it belongs.

.Narco-terrorist have just gotten an undeserved bad reputation. These poor drug dealers are just trying to make an honest living selling poison to gringos. Then we come along, and force them to murder masses of people, assassinate their politicians, and put rape trees in the middle of our desert.

.Life is so unfair to drug dealers. It is just not right!


Comment on: Less than half of rape cases lead to arrests at 11/22/2010 2:53 AM CST

Arm yourselves ladies! I recommend the .38 Lady Smith (S&W) for people who are not accustomed to handling firearms. It is no good for long distance problems, but up close and personal... it has enough power to cure rapists of their evil ways.

.Put a Lady Smith in your purse, and forget about it until you need it.
.It is much better to have a firearm and not need one, then to need a firearm and not have one. It is just a piece of metal, a tool, like a hammer or a wood saw. As inanimate object, it is no more capable of doing evil, than it is capable of doing good. Good and evil are terms used to describe the person who holds the firearm.

.That is how I view firearms anyway.

Mexican Drug Cartels

Comment on: Gunmen kill ex-governor in western Mexico state at 11/21/2010 7:09 PM CST

Amen,You would think the people of this country would have learned to sell out their moral principals, and start blaming drug-users for the drug-dealers behavior.

.When will people learn that it is much easier to scapegoat people with an addiction, than to put the blame where it belongs.

.Narco-terrorist have just gotten an undeserved bad reputation. These poor drug dealers are just trying to make an honest living selling poison to gringos. Then we come along, and force them to murder masses of people, assassinate their politicians, and put rape trees in the middle of our desert.

.Life is so unfair to drug dealers. It is just not right!


I lived most of my life in Houston, TX. In Houston, there are plenty of decent illegals aliens, and plenty of errr...indecent illegal aliens. Everyone keeps talking about a "pathway to citizenship". My problem with this is, that nearly all of the decent illegal aliens that I met, did not want to be American citizens. They were proud to be from whatever country that they came from (Mexico, Guatemala, wherever). They cheered for their country's soccer team. They wanted their children to remain in their home country. They wanted their children to speak Spanish, and not English. All the decent illegals wanted to do is earn an honest dollar, and send it home. As for the "indecent illegal aliens", well who the hell cares what they wanted. My point is... why don't we secure the border, kick out any illegals with any police record, then put the decent illegals on some sort of work visa. The problem is, that the Democrats want to do this without securing the border, and it will not work. The serious criminals will still hop right back here with in a week after being deported. The drug cartels will still own the border regions. The human smugglers "coyotes" will still be raping men and killing women (yeah I wrote that on purpose). The Democrats plan will not work! less

commented on Immigration reform is still doable
26 likes | 0 responses


No...We are much more efficient than that.
. We, white Republicans, invented AIDS in order to kill off koala bears. Gays and Africans were just collateral damage! less

commented on Baby koala clings to life after shooting
2 likes | 0 responses


The Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS) is a racist organization, and it doesn't pay any taxes. You all know, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that gives scholarships to impoverished students. Yeah, it is as racist as can be, and does not have to pay taxes. Look it up. Anglos (Whites) need not apply.
Where is the moral outrage? Where are the CNN opinion articles about this type of discrimination? Hell, where are the angry, screaming liberals?

Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that it is okay for people to discriminate against Anglos, but not for Anglos to discriminate against any minority group. Being politically correct, like my-bigoted-self, can get pretty darn confusing.

commented on Gays, Mormons and Boy Scouts' discrimination

Israeli / Palestine

@ Mooslim Proud Wrote:

"Us Muslims were so good to the Jews, when we controlled Spain"

Yep. That is what the Armenians thought, and look what it got them. A shallow grave in a cold desert. Yes, you will let Christians & Jews live amongst you, but you demand homage and God like status in return. Mooslim Proud, you are as kind as you are wise. less

Israeli / Palestine

Well, in the West, we like to call that karma. You see, when a group of people do things like, oh I don't know, kill a bunch of Olympic athletes, bomb buses full of people, fire rockets into people's houses and hijack airlines, shoot their fellow soldiers in the back, celebrate in the streets on 9/11, they tend to get a bad reputation.

I have a question. Where did you all get the idea that you could fire 10 rockets at Israel, and that Israel would only be allowed to fire 10 rockets back? Who came up with this whole "unequal response" and "unfair tactical advantage" thing anyway? I don't know, but I bet he died of a gunshot wound. This is war. The whole point of war is to gain military superiority over the enemy, and then pound them senseless. If Hamas can't figure this out, then they need to put down their weapons, and do something that they are better suited for. Selling candy maybe, because soldiers they are not.

commented on UN committee condemns 'serious human rights violations' in Iran
2 likes | 0 responses


Damn right. If dark skinned people had the same right to abuse humans as us Anglo people do, then the world would be a much better place.

commented on UN committee condemns 'serious human rights violations' in Iran


"the first assumption everyone jumps to is that it's a missing Caucasian girl"

because we are the only people that matter! How do you like them apples, you racist P.o.S..

Write a racist comment - receive a racist comment.

commented on Holloway family awaits results of forensic testing
5 likes | 0 responses

Mexican Drug Cartels

Comment on: Deadly 24 hours in Tijuana: 2 hung from bridge, 1 beheaded at 11/19/2010 9:49 PM CST

Now this is getting serious. Killing someone, beheading them and dissolving their body in acid - is one thing, but dropping a body from a bridge and damaging a man's car - is just plain rude.

.I do not see why they can't follow the law, and properly dispose of their murder victims, like everyone else in Mexico.

.Can you imagine! You are just trying to drive to work in the morning, and BANG! The next thing you know, you have a dented roof, or are stuck in a traffic jam and late for work! All because people are too lazy to dig a hole in the ground..That really is just mean spirited!


Comment on: Man charged with murder in death of Pearland teen at 11/19/2010 9:10 PM CST

What we have here is clearly a failure to communicate.

.The sign reads:
"Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,".

However, it does not say:
"Give me your tired, your poor, your criminals, Your huddled masses yearning to steal from and murder free people,"

.I hope that this inscription will require no further clarifications.

Child Molesters

Comment on: Fla. man accused of coming to Houston for sex with boy at 11/19/2010 4:56 AM CST

Send him to prison, where he can get some real man lovin'. Then exile him when he gets out. We do not need people like this in our society.

Fallen Soldier

Comment on: Soldier, 18, from Conroe dies in Afghanistan at 11/19/2010 4:45 AM CST

When I was track vehicle mechanic for the Army, they were always pushing us to do something dangerous and stupid.

.Overloading cranes- trying to drop huge, massive truck transmissions with 550 cord - just all sorts of stupid stuff.

.For everyone of these "non-combat related injury deaths", there is an idiotic NCO that is at fault. There is an NCO that is in-charge of every job site, and this person needs to be court marshaled for getting this kid killed.


Comment on: Mosques expand reach in building boom at 11/16/2010 10:10 AM CST

Leftist only support freedom of speech if you are ranting about how great leftist ideals are. Otherwise, they are the biggest nazi book burners around!


Comment on: HISD plans female-only campus to give girls path to shine at 11/16/2010 1:57 AM CST

Isn't this just a tad discriminatory?
.Oh, I forgot. It is only discriminatory, if Anglo males are the ones doing the discriminating. The picture is of minority females, so they are in the clear.

.I am not one to complain w/out offering a better alternative, so here goes....How about we open schools that are only for the true minorities in the Houston area. INTELLIGENT PEOPLE!!! We will take them any race, ethnicity, gender, religion...whatever, but they must have a high IQ score. Then we will dump a whole bunch of money into these schools. That seems fair to me. At least it is the real world. Oh wait, those are called private schools. Never mind.

Woman Lies About 2 kidnapped Children

Comment on: Amber Alert issued for 2 Houston children at 11/13/2010 10:34 PM CST

This poor woman must not of been getting enough attention from the police. Jeez, some people are down right stupid!!! If they feel like the cops are ignoring them, then they will do something to get the attention they feel like they deserve.

.I've never had the cops bang on my door. I've never even been pulled over by the police. I got one ticket for an accident that I was in, when I was 18 years old. That was enough police and court system exposure, to last me the rest of my life!

Girl Dies From Falling Rock

Comment on: Katy teen pleads not guilty in girl's Colo. rock death at 11/13/2010 12:35 AM CST

B.S.!!! When your out the wild, on a cliff, you do not think that there will be someone beneath you! How many times have I pushed a rock over cliff? I never counted because I never thought anything about it! Next thing you know- some kid is going to be prosecuted for skipping a rock across a lake, and accidentally putting someone's eye out!

.Stuff happens. It's a cruel world, and any of us could be taken out of it, for no reason, and at anytime.

.That being said:Brave HeartYou're kind of right. We do need more information. Were they in a high traffic area, like "Garden of the Gods" state park? Was it obvious that there was some sort of "look out point" beneath them? These factors would greatly change my opinion in this case.


Comment on: Texas Legislature expected to pass immigration crackdown at 11/13/2010 12:14 AM CST
And a country with no borders, is no country at all. We have every right to pick and choose who can enter and who can not..And as far as the whole "this used to be Mexico thing", they took their $15,000,000 and I live in the now!

.The business community asked them to come here?
Who the hell are they to do the asking? They do not speak for the entire country.

.What we have to do is: first secure the border, then deport all of the illegals who have any criminal record, and finally get the decent illegal aliens on worker visas. Any other method will be a complete failure!

Comment on: Texas Legislature expected to pass immigration crackdown at 11/13/2010 12:04 AM CST
or a "sincere love for our country" place. One of the two!

Comment on: Texas Legislature expected to pass immigration crackdown at 11/12/2010 11:59 PM CST
And a country with no borders, is no country at all. We have every right to pick and choose who can enter and who can not. .And as far as the whole "this used to be Mexico thing", they took their $15,000,000 and I live in the now!

.The business community asked them to come here? Who the hell are they to do the asking? They do not speak for the entire country.

.I do recognize the need for the extra labor. That is why I proposed the solution that is written in the reply under Marty81259. It is just below this comment.

Comment on: Texas Legislature expected to pass immigration crackdown at 11/12/2010 11:49 PM CST
Letting the markets decide will not work. How the hell do I know if those workers cooking my food, are legal or not. How do we know those workers were even Mexicans. They could of been Nepalese for all we know.

.What we have to do is: first secure the border, then deport all of the illegals who have any criminal record, and finally get the decent illegal aliens on worker visas. Any other method will be a complete failure!

Good Samaritan Death

Comment on: Man shot to death as he tries to halt Loop purse theft at 11/11/2010 8:20 AM CST

Fighttheignorance wrote:
"Killing someone in any circumstance but to prevent them from hurting you is wrong! This man was trying to do something good, but unfortunately turned the situation into something that was more violent and unnecessary over a purse!"

What type of logic is that? Sorry buddy, but you are way off. The thief turned HIMSELF into a murderer, not the guy who tried to help. The thieving murderer could have chosen to run away, or preferably decided not to prey on women at all.

.You obviously do not know much about Texas law. You have the right to defend yourself, your property, your neighbors, and their property with lethal force after dark. Hell, even that guy who shot the two thieves robbing his neighbors house in broad daylight was untouchable.

.And...if this guy had an accomplice in the purse snatching, but did nothing to take part in the murder - then he is also guilty of capital murder. Texas law buddy. Criminals should check it out before they move here!
Comment on: Man shot to death as he tries to halt Loop purse theft at 11/11/2010 7:28 AM CST
Reply to a Reply

Uh oh, Native47. Someone has already called you on it. We live in a PC world now, and you are not supposed to use the word "race", unless you are referring to the human race! Furthermore, you can not automatically assume that the assailant was a "he", an not a "she". I'll have you know that in this day and age, women have just as much right to murder as men!

Good Samaritan Death

Comment on: Man shot to death as he tries to halt Loop purse theft at 11/11/2010 6:23 AM CST

Oooh, I see. I new somehow it was the good Samaritan's fault. He forced that thieving thug to become a murderer. It's really sad how we treat our criminals these days (sigh).

.Your idol there the "Teflon Don" pretty much did the same thing; didn't he? He had a neighborhood watchman/good Samaritan, beaten half to death, if my memory serves me correctly.

Good Samaritan Death

Comment on: Man shot to death as he tries to halt Loop purse theft at 11/11/2010 6:15 AM CST

This P.o.S. will get what he has coming. The funny thing is that, it probably will not be by the police or government. Most of these thugs end up getting killed by their own "homeboys". He will likely try ripping off his friendly neighborhood drug dealer, and die in hail of bullets. Happens all the time.

Mexican Drug Cartels

Comment on: Students' deaths show risks for those whose lives straddle border at 11/11/2010 3:33 AM CST

"I was born here. I'm an American. But really I'm Mexican," Tarango said. "I've got my whole life in Juarez."

.And I vote in U.S. elections.

.Does anyone else have a problem with this?

Mexican Drug Cartels

Comment on: Case gives a glimpse into Texas drug gang at 11/11/2010 12:54 AM CST

People are naive to think that the Mexican drug cartels and their wars, have not infiltrated U.S. borders. All of these neighborhood gangs have loose affiliations with Mexican Mafia or other "head gangs". The few "head gangs" are in league with one of the four major Mexican cartels. La Familia, Los Zetas, Gulf Cartel, and in the western states -Sinola cartel. The"underling" neighborhood gangs go to war with each other at the behest of one of the 4 major cartels.

.The Mexican drug cartel violence is here, and it has been for a long time.

Shopkeeper Kills a Man

Comment on: Houston liquor store confrontation turns deadly at 11/9/2010 2:12 AM CST

Okay, lets put this to rest once and for all. .The guy stole two beers from a store owner. The store owner absolutely had the right to confront the thieve over it. He asked the thief to pay for the beer or return it. The thief decided to physically attack the store owner. Hence, the store owner had the right to protect himself by any means, including the use of deadly force. The thief was not murdered for shoplifting. The thief was killed when the store owner defended himself. It is called justifiable homicide.If you do not believe me, then just wait for the "no bill" from the grand jury..I am glad the store owner is alright, but I would not recommend that he do it again. Next time he might find himself bringing a knife to gun fight, and that really would be a sad story.

Rep. Pete Olson

Comment on: GOP takes House; Dems hold Senate at 11/3/2010 5:16 AM CDT

Okay Rep. Pete Olson, we gave you another term. You have not done anything that I have disliked, but the problem haven't done much at all. I know that with out control of congress, there has not been too much that you could do to stop the Lib/Dem BS.

.Now that we have the House, I expect you to role up your sleeves and get to work for us.

Republicans Are Scrary!!!

Comment on: Fifth Ward precinct judge calls cops over unruly poll watchers at 11/3/2010 12:12 AM CDT

Will someone please tell me why we can not have video cameras installed at the polling stations? Too many people are crying wolf, and no one knows what to believe.

.I think part of the problem is that some people think that anyone there to watch the polls, are intimidating. That is not the way it works.

.Just put cameras up so everyone can see if there really is intimidation going on. If so, we could identify them, and ban them from the polls from now on. Who knows, they might be one party trying to frame another party.

.Remember after the 2008 elections, when someone damaged the Democrat headquarters in Colorado (?). The Dems were screaming about how violent Republicans did it. It turned out to be a Democrat!.INSTALL VIDEO CAMERAS AT THE POLLS!

4 Americans killed in Mexico

Comment on: Mexico: 4 US citizens killed in separate attacks at 11/2/2010 7:02 AM CDT

houstonareareader wrote:As long as American arrogance causes its drug users to blame Mexican cartels and ignore their willing complicity in the drug trade and its related violence, the problem will persist.

Yes those darn nasty Americans keep forcing those poor Mexican drug cartels to sell them drugs. They have choice but to sell Americans drugs, and run around killing everyone.

.What did I hear about a massacre in a Mexican drug rehab? Oh no, that can't be right, because we all know that Mexicans do not use drugs. It is only Americans that buy and use drugs, right?

.Hey when it came to drug dealing, Mexicans have looked the other way for decades. They decided that it was okay, because the poison went "norte" and the money came to Mexico. They have made their bed, now they have to sleep in it. They let the cartels get way too strong.

As for Americans that got killed there, well they should have known better than to go Mexico right now. Everyone knows what is going on there.

Mail Bombs From Yemen... Care packages

Comment on: Dubai police say mail bomb had al-Qaida hallmarks at 10/30/2010 10:38 PM CDT

At least before they were actually strapping bombs to each other, running around, and blowing things up. Now extremist are just getting lazy. ."Akmed, should we go to America and drive a truck packed with explosives into a synagogue?" Mohammed replies "Nah, why bother. Jut Fedex the damn thing and pass the hummus.".

.Half-arse jihad....The new threat!


Comment on: Texas holds line on spending, but poor have suffered at 10/25/2010 11:32 PM CDT

Most of the increases in poverty claimed by this author, are side effects of illegal immigration. That is not our fault. The illegal immigration problem is the federal gov.'s fault.

.As for primary and secondary education, all we as a society, owe our children is transportation to and from school, a class room, books, and competent teachers. Individual families owe more, but as far as the government goes; That is it. It is up to the students if they want to take advantage of our educational system.

.Anyway, if you look at middle to upper class areas alone, their education is competitive with the rest of the country, and in fact the world.

.Higher education is not a right, and students should have to work for it. Even socialist countries in Europe do not guarantee higher educations for all. You have to score high enough on state exams to get a college education.

.Most students could go to college, if they really wanted to. I didn't have money for college either. So I joined the Army from Texas, and when I came back, Governor Perry paid for my education. ...But no. Kids do not want to support their country. They would rather burn our flag and complain how unfair we are to the rest of the world. I do not even want to hear them crying that they do not have the money for college. It has gotten old and tired.


Comment on: Workers, get ready for a bitter pill at 10/26/2010 7:13 AM CDT

One of the most insane parts of health care reform is its forcing insurance companies to accept people with pre-existing illnesses. This is not insurance! It is charity, and insurance companies are not charities.

.Obama should inflict insurance reforms on car insurance as well. That way, when I buy my next car, I will not have to immediately purchase collision insurance . I will just wait until I get into an accident, and then I can buy car insurance and make them pay for it.

16 Year Old Tried as an Adult

Comment on: 16-year-old to be tried as adult in 2009 murders at 10/24/2010 7:41 PM CDT

Come on people. I am sure that they were abused children. Plus, they hear voices and have other mental disturbances.

.Ha, don't worry. I am sure that these little boys will be treated with the dignity and respect that they deserve in big boy prison. Have fun, murderers!


Could overhaul undermine employer health coverage? at 10/24/2010 10:35 AM CDT

Reading these comments, I can see that both Democrats & Republicans are starting to understand that the high cost of health insurance, never had much to do with the companies offering it. It is the high cost of health care itself that makes health insurance so expensive.

.It might be difficult for some people who are not in the health care field to understand this, but trust care is a commodity. Just like other commodities, health care is subject to supply and demand.

.Right now you have millions upon millions of "baby boomers" who are getting old, and require a great deal of health care. There are not enough health care professionals & facilities (supply) to care for the people who require it (demand). That is why you do not get the proper time & attention when you go to a health care provider. Unless of course, you are willing to pay extra, and go to a very expensive provider. We are already stretched much more thin than what is recommended. That results in health care being a highest bidder system.

.Health care will always be expensive, even when the "baby boomer" crisis is over. This field has some of the most difficult education courses that higher education offers. People who excel in health care courses could have done well in almost any other field. Medicine, pharmacology, nursing, med lab technician etc., are very difficult, and highly expensive courses. New students just will not enter the field if they are not going to be compensated well. This of course will decrease the supply, and once again raise the cost of health care.

.In short, health care will always be a major living expense for middle class families. As for the poor, well... they will have to depend on whatever society can donate via non-profit organizations. I see no other alternative, and no one else has come up with a better way.

Next Big Extinction Will Be Mans Fault

Conservationist warns next big extinction will be man's fault at 10/24/2010 2:44 AM CDT

...and they are having this forum in Houston? They have a big surprise coming. Here in Houston, we like our animals deep fried in sweet light crude oil. They should have chosen San Fransisco, or another one of those hippy towns. lol

Wikileaks debacle (The 1st one)

Comment on Houston Chronicle article "The First WikiLeaks Documents":

Did I miss part of the article or something? Where is the "U.S. Soldiers tortured, raped, and killed 100,000 Iraqi women. U.S. soldiers intentionally killed 50,000 Iraqi orphans." part? .Did you all read the same article that I did? It said that U.S. soldiers accidentally killed some civilians, but that is to be expected in a war zone. That is nothing compared to the napalm bombing of WWII and Vietnam.

I also read the part about Iraqis doing horrible things to their own, and killing civilians, but they were doing that to each other before we got there. Just another day in Iraq. I would still take it over the blister gas that an entire Iraqi city got for defying Husein's regime. The pictures of that were horrific.

When do you all think that WikiLeaks will release the torture files from the governments of Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan. Now that would be an interesting read.

"31,780 deaths were attributed to improvised explosive devices."."23,984 (killed by U.S. and Iraq Security Forces) were "enemy".

I have always said that Muslims are better at killing Muslims, than we will ever be.

Feds Halt "Virtual" Border Fence Construction

Comment on Houston Chronicle article "Feds Halt "Virtual" Border Fence Construction":

Napolitano also announced that federal border patrol agents would be replaced with "virtual federal border patrol agents" who will immediately start "virtually arresting" illegal aliens and begin "virtually deporting" them.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano had this to say about the recent shift in policy "This is what pro-illegal-immigration people wanted, and what their opponents, the majority of Americans, "virtually wanted". It is a win-win for "virtually everyone", and a compromise that the majority of Americans will "virtually agree" with."

N. Korea Fires Artilary at the South

Comment posted on a CNN article "N. Korea bombs S. Korean island":

You people are too funny!!! "U.S. provocation this, whiteman that, everything is CIA conspiracy". Always the same tired propaganda.

I will tell you why the North fired on the South. It has absolutely nothing to do with S.Korea or the U.S.. It is called N.Korean politics. Now that "the one meter emperor" is on his way out, he promoted Junior to 4 star general. That is all fine and well, but in order for Junior to become the next "Dear Leader", he needs a war (or at least a skirmish) under his belt. So they started one. Now that the Kims can say that Junior is war hardened, 27 year old, 4 star general, and a combat veteran, it will be much easier for him to seize power. That was the whole point of this little fire fight

Student Gets 15 Years for Aiding the Taliban

Somebody decided to get "cheeky" with me over a previous post that I wrote.

"ignorant folks like xliberalfool just don't understand that not everybody is fat, loves to shop at walmart and eats greasy pork chops out of an iron skillet"
Hmm, how do you spell hypocrite?
These SOBs come to America just so they can attack us, and all you can write about, is how we need to be more tolerant and understanding of them. What a bunch of politically correct garbage! You sir, represent the people in America that are making us the punks of the world.
Secondly, all you have to do is waive your cursor over my avatar to find out that I am a little further away from a Walmart than you are. You are not the brightest star in the sky are you?
Call me civilized, but I just do not go to other countries, talk bad about them, demand that they provide me services and speak my language, and then try to attack them.
Lastly, it is not only Germany and Europe. It is France, Britain, Holland, Australia, Japan, S. Korea, and even India that are having problems with this crap. Look it up.
You need to stop hating yourself so much, and realize that you, like the rest of us, have the right to be angry about this kind of crap. We do not have to be slaves to this politically correct BS!

Wikileaks debacle

Reply to a comment that said we should "take out Julian Assange, and make him disappear":

"Take out", and "make him disappear". What type of language is that? I will have you know that the United States is a Politically Correct country now, and we do not allow that type of talk around here anymore.

What the CIA should do is... have him become a victim of involuntary disappearance, and then use enhanced interrogation techniques on him. After that, the CIA officers will see him reach into his waistband for something, and being in fear for their lives, they will launch a preemptive strike, thus causing fatal bodily harm to Mr. Assange.

You need to learn how to speak PC, my friend.

Wikileaks debacle

Comment on the Houston Chronicle:

I don't know, but I kind of agree with the America hating liberals on this whole "transparent government" thing.
I think that they might be on to something here. After all, every American should have access to our nuclear arms codes, and we should have a "red telephone" installed in all of our homes. No more secrets, damn straight! Put a vile of live smallpox in every freezer in American!
Teaching students how to weaponize Bacillus anthracis and to synthesizing nerve gas, should made mandatory for every high school microbiology & chemistry curriculum.
The U.S. Government should make public all of it's foreign agenda plans, as well as what we are willing to compromise on. This should be done well before we start any important negotiations with another country. I mean it is not like other countries spy on America! I am sure that we are the only country that has an intelligence agency. Those Russian spies that we rounded up a few months ago, that was just a big misunderstanding. They had to be Russian citizens, spying for America, in America. This has to be the case, because Russia is our friends, and they wouldn't spy on us.
Plus, I am sure that Russia, Iran, and N. Korea have America's best interests at heart. They would never give us a raw deal at the bargaining table!
Yep, the America hating liberals are definitely on to something here.

Cops in GA seize $45m in Meth

Isn't it sad how we, Americans, keep forcing these hardworking honest people to sell us poison. We need to start treating other country's criminals better than what we do now.

Cops in GA seize $45m in Meth

A reply to someone who wrote "but white people commit crimes too!"

Oh. You are one of those people who want "diversity" in our criminal population. I bet you think that our criminal justice system should be "bilingual", huh.
We have our hands full dealing with our own rapists and murders. We do not need to import more of them from Belize.

Politics and a Dead Sheriff

Politics were brutal!

This is a story with a moral too it. People are getting pretty upset when it comes to politics these days. I thought we all might learn a lesson from our past. Maybe we can steer clear of this type of behavior today.

This incident happened a long time ago. Back when men were men, and sheep were scared!

I am going to have to give you all little background information on political history. Most of you will already know this information, but if someone doesn’t, then it will blow the whole story. You history buffs probably will not need it, but I’ve got some down time and felt like writing anyway. I will write the historical background information in red so you can fly past it efficiently if you want to.

Background info:

Before the 1850’s there were two main political parties in the United States, as there are now. The Democrats who were predominantly in the southern states, and the “Whigs” who were predominantly in the northern states. Well, along came a freed slave and self taught scholar turned statesman, named Frederick Douglass. He convinced most of the politicians in the “Whigs” party to renounce slavery. In doing so, they abandoned the now defunct Whigs party, and formed a new one. They decided to call themselves the Republican Party. One of these politicians was a little known former U.S. Congressman and lawyer named Abraham Lincoln. With his self taught knowledge of the law, keen political wit, and superb public speaking ability - old honest Abe became a rising star in the Republican Party. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln became the 16th President of the United States, and was the first Republican to be elected president.

As you can imagine, tensions were rising between the Republicans in the north, and the Democrats in the south. The southern Democrats had long felt under represented and forgotten in the U.S. Federal Government. There were a whole range of issues and disputes at the time, but the abolishment of slavery was “the straw that broke the camel’s back”.

The southern states began to rebel, and they referred to themselves as the Confederacy. Confederate soldiers began taking over forts and out posts all over the south.

At 4:30 am, on April 12th, 1861, Confederate General Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard opened fire on Union soldiers occupying Fort Sumter, Charleston, SC, thus beginning the U.S. Civil War.

Okay, let’s fast forward. In April of 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in Ford’s theater by John Wilkes Booth. Booth, was upset about imminent defeat of the Confederacy. Vice President Johnson became the 17th U.S. President of the United States of America, and shortly after that the Union won the war. As President his priority was rebuilding the south, and this was termed “reconstruction”. Reconstruction officially ended in the year 1877.

Now, I know that I missed many important points, but this will get you through the following story.

Politics and a Dead Sheriff

I never knew how screwed up and violent politics were in the forty some odd years after Civil War. I always thought that the violence basically ended with the Civil War, but politics were ruthless during this time. As it turns out, east Texas was no exception. It is hard to find much information about this critical time in Texas. It has been completely scrubbed from public school curriculum, even in Texas. I am not exactly sure why, but I have an idea. The liberal public education system white washed it away! Could you imagine what would happen if racial and ethnic minorities found out that it was the Democrats who fought to keep slavery alive in the United States? What if African Americans found out what a “Blue Dog Democrat” is? Our whole two party system would be in danger of collapse. So, I can only assume that the liberals all but erased it from history. I will tackle the liberal public education system in another posting. I do not want to get too far off topic here.

Anyway, the post Civil War Reconstruction era was horrifically violent in Texas. It pitted families against families, neighbor versus neighbor, and one town against the other. There were “O.K. corral” shoot outs happening all over east Texas. The conservative Democrats fought tooth and nail with the liberal Republicans (I know! Say it out loud. It sounds even stranger.) for political power in east Texas. Apparently, the Democrats called themselves “Jaybirds”, and the Republicans referred to themselves as the “Woodpeckers”! Now, I haven’t been able to find multiple sources for the information on this one particular incident. So, I will just copy and paste it from the original source that I found it on. I’ll leave the web address at the bottom of this blog. You all can look at it, and determine if you think the source is a reliable one. It seemed so to me.

Sheriff James Thomas (Tom) Garvey
Fort Bend County Sheriff's Department
End of Watch: Friday, August 16, 1889

Biographical Info
Age: 29
Tour of Duty: 2 years, 10 months
Badge Number: Not available

Incident Details
Cause of Death: Gunfire
Date of Incident: Friday, August 16, 1889
Weapon Used: Gun; Unknown type
Suspect Info: Shot and killed"

"Reconstruction in the South officially ended in 1877, but the Republican Party had gained a stronghold in many counties with the support of freed Black voters. A feud broke out in Fort Bend County in 1888 between wealthy, white Democratic “Jaybirds," and Republican “Woodpeckers,” who had power since Reconstruction. The feud crossed racial, social and politics lines. Assassination and violence had become commonplace. Fort Bend County Sheriff Tom Garvey was a leader of Woodpeckers, and opposed the efforts of the Jaybirds to return to power through violence. The town was an armed camp. The Governor sent Texas Rangers to maintain order.

On August 16, 1889, the Jaybirds faced Woodpeckers in front of the courthouse. Sheriff Garvey and a crowd of armed men warned the Rangers to get out of the way since this was none of their business. A Ranger sergeant and four privates on horseback tried to block the two sides. A gun battle erupted and Sheriff Tom Garvey, his uncle, former Sheriff J. W. Blakey, Jaybird leader, H. H. Frost, and a bystander were killed outright and many participants were wounded. Ranger Private Frank Schmid, Jr., was severely wounded, and died from his wounds on June 17, 1893.

Sheriff Garvey was appointed in October 1886, and was elected on November 2, 1886. He was re-elected on November 6, 1888. Ranger Sergeant Ira Aten, who was trying to maintain order that day, was appointed sheriff on August 21, 1889.”