The American League of Morons
I am dedicating this post to all the individuals and groups that have made this country what it is today. Without your help I do not know where we, as a nation, would be today. There are many deserving, but too little time and space to honor all whom have contributed so much. I do apologize if, in my haste, I have omitted any names that rightly belong on this list. Just leave a moronic comment and I will be sure to add your name and affiliate group to the list. Thank you.
1) Social Skinheads of America................ 2) The Black Panthers
3) The Ku Klux Klan ..................................4) Dr. David Ray Griffin (9/11 denier)
5) The ACLU ..............................................6) Neo Nazis
7) The Brown Berets .................................8) Oliver Stone
9) The NAACP ...........................................10) The National Council of La Raza
11) Glenn Beck ...........................................12) The writers for
13) N'COBRA (National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America)
14) Michael Moore .....................................15) XLIBERALFOOL
16) Southern Poverty Law Center.......... 17) Sons of Confederate Veterans
18) ACORN .................................................19) Church of Scientology
20) Rosie O'Donnell ...................................21) Quanell (Queeny) X
22) Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam
23) Last, but certainly not least - Britney Spears
More names to come...
Once again, thank you for your dedication in furthering stupidity in this great nation.
Think about it. XLIBERALFOOL
1) Social Skinheads of America................ 2) The Black Panthers
3) The Ku Klux Klan ..................................4) Dr. David Ray Griffin (9/11 denier)
5) The ACLU ..............................................6) Neo Nazis
7) The Brown Berets .................................8) Oliver Stone
9) The NAACP ...........................................10) The National Council of La Raza
11) Glenn Beck ...........................................12) The writers for
13) N'COBRA (National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America)
14) Michael Moore .....................................15) XLIBERALFOOL
16) Southern Poverty Law Center.......... 17) Sons of Confederate Veterans
18) ACORN .................................................19) Church of Scientology
20) Rosie O'Donnell ...................................21) Quanell (Queeny) X
22) Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam
23) Last, but certainly not least - Britney Spears
More names to come...
Once again, thank you for your dedication in furthering stupidity in this great nation.
Think about it. XLIBERALFOOL
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