I caught the Bill Maher interview on GPS.CNN. Good stuff.
Here is what leftist, liberal, DemocRats think about INDEPENDENT VOTERS.
Fareed Zakaria:
"In this election 57% of Independents voted Republican. What does that tell You?"
Bill Maher:
"That tells me that Independents don't pay that much attention.
Independents are just people who throw out the people who are in power, because Obama got elected and it didn't immediately start raining twenties - so throw the bums out -
Part of what I'm saying is the bums they just threw out two years ago they wanted to put back in -
No wonder we can't get anything done in this
Um, so this idea that the independents are these careful thinkers
who access what is going on - I do not think that is what the independent voter is-
I just think that they are cranky people!"
Well this is what the leftist liberal DemocRats think of you. You are welcome to vote Republican, anytime.
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