Monday, June 6, 2011

Race Baiting Democrats

Houston Chronicle article:

Texas Senate OKs congressional redistricting map

AUSTIN, Texas — Texas senators approved a new congressional redistricting map on Monday after a fierce debate over minority representation. The Republican's chief mapmaker, Sen. Kel Seliger, spent much of the debate Monday defending his map against Democratic attack. The measure passed the Senate on an 18-12 party-line vote and now goes to the House for consideration.

Sen. Eddie Lucio, D-Brownsville, questioned why Hispanic communities along the Rio Grande, in Houston and the Dallas-Fort Worth area would not see an increase in congressional representation in line with the state's growing diversity.


@Sen. Eddie Lucio
Is it remotely possible that some of these people are illegal aliens, and thus can't vote at all?
Also, is there any chance that some Hispanics are NOT racist. Seeing that the majority of Hispanics are Roman Catholic, conservative, family values type people... could it be that some do not like the Democrat's stance on abortion, legalizing drugs, and wealth redistribution.
I don't know maybe some Hispanics have been in this country since before it was the United States, and are just as tired of the illegal immigration problem as everyone else.
...but no, none of these things could be true.
Everyone knows that Hispanic people have a "cultural gun to their head" that forces them to vote only for Hispanic politicians.

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