Saturday, October 22, 2011

Illegal Rapes

CNN News article:

ACLU: Lawsuit alleges 3 immigrant women assaulted while in ICE custody

  • The ACLU says three immigrant women were sexually assaulted in ICE custody
  • A class-action lawsuit has been filed on their behalf, the ACLU says
  • "We believe these complaints are just the tip of the iceberg," an ACLU lawyer says
  • ICE says all abuse allegations are investigated and the agency has a "zero tolerance" policy
I hope that the guard made a rape tree out of their under clothing... as the local illegal hispanic tradition dictates. We wouldn't want to seem insensitive to their culture.

Monday, October 3, 2011

KBR Rape.

I don't mean to say I told you so, but I told you so!
I wrote a comment about the absurdity of this "rape case" a couple weeks ago, and I was vilified for it.
Well, now I feel vindicated.
I guess we will just throw this case in the pile with Kobe, DSK, Duke lacrosse and the rest.

Friday, September 30, 2011


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Drug Cartel

She should be ashamed of herself! She is not a kid anymore. As an attorney, she has first hand knowledge of the destruction that drug has caused in our communities. I hope she is disbarred and has to get a job cleaning toilets like all of the rest of the crack heads. Cocaine is the devil! Cocaine and its ugly twin sister, methamphetamines, has nearly destroyed this country. America's financial losses with these drugs due to lack of productivity, imprisonment costs, and damaged children is... well it is really astounding. The drug dealers in Mexico and Columbia keep fighting for a monopoly in bringing this poison into our country and then they have the audacity to blame America for what is happening there! Screw Calderon!

Baby killers

The pro-death people are afraid that a woman might get a guilty conscience and decide not to kill her unborn child if this law is put to use. The murderous doctors and macabre clinics have the same fear that a sonogram might come between them and their blood money.
I think that their fears are ridiculous! A woman who goes in for an abortion consultation has already proven herself to be amoral, and thus will not have any problem snuffing out the life of their family member due to seeing a picture. The sonogram bill will not save human life because you have to have a heart in order to have a change of heart.
I can't force you people to stop killing your unborn children. I know that, but as the proud father of an adopted child, I feel obligated to do everything I can to prevent this type of barbaric savagery from becoming sociably acceptable. That includes writing these comments and posting pictures of your torn up victims in different places around town and on the internet. These women have been given a gift... granted a gift that they do not want, but a gift all the same. If you don't like the gift then please feel free to re-gift to another couple.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


We should treat Muslims exactly how they treat Christians in Muslim countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Indonesia, and Egypt!

Why would anyone not like Muslims???
Here is an article that details how peaceful and tolerant their nations are...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lincoln Quotes

"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away men's initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves."
-Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Let's kill some babies!

Houston Chronicle article:

Rick Perry signs anti-abortion pledge

Governor Rick Perry has signed the Susan B. Anthony anti-abortion pledge, making him the seventh Republican candidate for president to do so.

Georgex wrote:
"The piousness continues. Over a million abortions in the U.S. and they are to be jailed. Trying to force this religious stance on the population is an interferrance and the freedom of women and men who have made judgements on their own situations and determined their choice. The pandering to gather the votes of the pious gets old."

It has nothing to do with piousness and religion. Abortion is an affront to human decency. We are not animals. We are not supposed to eat our own. You, and the pro-abortion ideology that you espouse, represent the devolution of humanity that is happening in our society today.
I pray that there will come a day when school children gasp in disgust upon hearing that we allowed people to kill their own offspring, just as I did when learning of the slave trade.
Alas, I fear that will not happen. With all of the pro-abortion folks I see on here, I do feel that it is highly likely that we will be living in grass huts in the distant future. Well, wearing loincloths and going to school to learn to hunt rabbit, better suits you pro-abortionists anyway. Enjoy!

Monday, August 8, 2011

White/Asian Children

Houston Chronicle Article

Demographic revolution plays out at nursing home
Census estimates indicate almost 70 percent of Houston residents 65 and older are Anglo, and 77 percent of those younger than 30 are not

I live in SE Asia four months out of the year. I see many, many White men living in Asia. Which pretty much means that there are many, many half White/Asian children there. If you add the White women who are married to Asian men here in America, the number of White/Asian kids is astounding. Whites and Asians are commingling like never before.
If you have ever seen these White/Asian mixed kids, then you know that they are stunningly beautiful and absolutely brilliant. Most come from good, two parent, upper middle class homes. Many attend private schools (Most pure race children can't even keep up with them in normal schools.). They are fluent in two, sometimes three, different languages. Most hold more than one passport. These are the children who will inherit the earth. They have it all.
Many Asian countries have begun prohibiting "hybrid children" from competitions. They say it is not fair to make pure White and Asian children compete agaisnt them. I think they are right. The only problem with half White/Asian children is that they are horrible at sports. Don't expect to see one in the olympics anytime soon... unless we make atom splitting an olympic sport. Oh well, rather than playing sports, they will just have to settle for owning the stadium.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mexicans Just Can't Catch a Break

Houston Chronicle Article:
Stay rejected for girl's Mexican killer
Texas Board of Pardons and Parole denies request for 180-day reprieve, spurning international clamor

Texas thumbed its nose at the White House and the United Nations on Tuesday as it cleared the way for Thursday's execution of Humberto Leal Garcia Jr., a Mexican national who was denied access to his nation's consulate after being arrested for a San Antonio rape-murder.

Leal, 38, was sentenced to die for the May 24, 1994, murder of 16-year-old Adria Sauceda. The girl was found naked on a rural road in San Antonio after being raped and then bludgeoned with a chunk of asphalt.

If the Mexican-born Leal, who has lived in the United States since age 2, is executed, it will mark the second time in four years that Texas has defied international demands that it observe the Vienna Convention.

Read more:

Aint that just the way it is!
Before committing rape and murder this poor migrant had a "DREAM" act. Now this man, who was just here looking for a better life, is a Mexican national that is being picked on by the evil gringo government.
Obama had better listen to his boss, a.k.a. Mexican Pres. Calderon, and get this poor migrant off death row. Otherwise Pres. Calderon might just tell his citizens not to vote Democrat. I think this is going to be quite a pickle for our dear leader.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Race Baiting Democrats

Houston Chronicle article:

Texas Senate OKs congressional redistricting map

AUSTIN, Texas — Texas senators approved a new congressional redistricting map on Monday after a fierce debate over minority representation. The Republican's chief mapmaker, Sen. Kel Seliger, spent much of the debate Monday defending his map against Democratic attack. The measure passed the Senate on an 18-12 party-line vote and now goes to the House for consideration.

Sen. Eddie Lucio, D-Brownsville, questioned why Hispanic communities along the Rio Grande, in Houston and the Dallas-Fort Worth area would not see an increase in congressional representation in line with the state's growing diversity.


@Sen. Eddie Lucio
Is it remotely possible that some of these people are illegal aliens, and thus can't vote at all?
Also, is there any chance that some Hispanics are NOT racist. Seeing that the majority of Hispanics are Roman Catholic, conservative, family values type people... could it be that some do not like the Democrat's stance on abortion, legalizing drugs, and wealth redistribution.
I don't know maybe some Hispanics have been in this country since before it was the United States, and are just as tired of the illegal immigration problem as everyone else.
...but no, none of these things could be true.
Everyone knows that Hispanic people have a "cultural gun to their head" that forces them to vote only for Hispanic politicians.

Race Baiting Democrats

Houston Chronicle article:

Texas Senate OKs congressional redistricting map

AUSTIN, Texas — Texas senators approved a new congressional redistricting map on Monday after a fierce debate over minority representation. The Republican's chief mapmaker, Sen. Kel Seliger, spent much of the debate Monday defending his map against Democratic attack. The measure passed the Senate on an 18-12 party-line vote and now goes to the House for consideration.

Sen. Eddie Lucio, D-Brownsville, questioned why Hispanic communities along the Rio Grande, in Houston and the Dallas-Fort Worth area would not see an increase in congressional representation in line with the state's growing diversity.

"How is it fair that although Anglos only make up 45 percent of our population, but they control 72 percent of our congressional districts," Lucio asked. "It does not make any sense; it is unfair."

The same worn-out, race card is pulled on every issue where Democrats are the underdog. Every single damn debate is de-evolved into a race issue by the Democrats. Even liberals (those who aren't on the extreme far left) are getting tired of the knee-jerk racism accusations. Look at some of the liberal's comments on here. They are slowly turning away from the Democrat's race-card-pulling party line. They still don't like Republicans, and thus are not happy about the redistricting map (and it's okay to say that you don't like it), but they don't like the Democrats "race opposition" tactics either.
This strategy of "if we don't get our way, we will claim racism" is wrong, and there are true victims. Someone claiming racism was a major, horrifying thing back in the '70s, '80s, and even early '90s. It was taken seriously by nearly everyone, and at the least warranted further investigation. Now it has been over used and abused by so many people, that the majority of people have become desensitized; people just brush it off. The question is, what about the people who truly are victims of racism. They deserve to have an outraged public to back them up.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Houston Chronicle article:

Texas higher education turmoil reaches national stage

Perry needs to start giving more money to Prairie View A&M for research and informative seminars. Prairie View A&M University is on the cutting edge of 'White Previledge' (PV A&M Spelling) and "Social Justice" research and dissemination of this information. They are able to disseminate the product of their exhaustive research through so called "S.P.I.T. Knowledge" seminars where the university hires speakers (whom are experts in the field of "White Privilege") to lecture students about the very real evil, threats posed by the white race's mere existence in this country.
I completely support P.V. A&M's use of tax dollars to inform the public of the "white oppression" that minorities face on daily basis. Here is some thoughts of P.V. A&M's most recent paid guest speaker, Tim Wise. I found it quite informative.
We all need to write Gov. Perry and tell him that we support funneling more of our tax dollars toward this kind of extremely high education. Our minorities deserve to know that they are constantly being victimized by the white race. This is what tax dollars were always meant to be spent on. Fellow Chronicle readers, please join me in this most noble of causes!

Edumacation (work in progress)

In all honesty, it's not their job to force, coax, or swindle students into learning. It's not their job to provide monetary incentives for kids to learn, like certain people want to do now. It is their job to provide an opportunity for students to learn. To me that means a classroom, a teacher (50 to 1 ratio), a textbook, a ride to school (actually the parents should take turns carpooling, but whatever), some equipment - a projector, cheap computers (they change all of the time anyways... just the basics), a basic science laboratory, a field and some balls for P.E., etcetera.
This can't cost that much money.
It is not the tax payers who are supposed to provide the desire to learn. Teachers and principals were never supposed to be disciplinarians, babysitters, emotional therapist, parents, and whatever else society tries to throw on their plates.
Teachers are supposed to provide, slow clear, and relevant, academic instruction. The principals position was intended for providing the necessary HR, and other logistical, bureaucratic school structure.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Social Justice

Houston Chronicle article:
"Celebrity Singer's Body Guards Attack Man in Airport"

GreenTomato wrote:
The victim is a white guy so it's ok. He kind of deserved what he got anyway because of what his people did..he's probably a racist anyway..or related to racist or had friends who were related to racist who were whites. So he shouldn't have been annoying the blacks by being in there way or whatever cause blacks can't be racist what they did is OK because their people were treated bad..slavery and all that mess was so bad. So it just kind of evens out now. So just forget about it because it's kind of like payback time.

The slave that takes the whip from the hand of his master, and defends himself with it... cannot be considered as doing something wrong.
I learned that from the New Black Panthers, and that is exactly what happened here.
This poor black woman was just seeking "social justice" here, because the white man has never let her succeed in anything, her entire life. She was born poor; she will die poor, and her children will always be poor. That is what "institutional racism" is currently doing to black people struggling to live a meager existence in AmeriKKKa.
It's just so darn sad!

Political Mistresses

Fox News article:
John Edwards Indicted for Hush Money to Mistress During 2008 Presidential Campaign

As much as I detest John Edwards, I think he is correct on this point.
My friends should be able to pay anyone off in order to shut them up on my behalf.
I have to say though, if they were true friends... then they would have paid that woman to keep her legs shut, rather than her mouth.

Also, if Edwards is guilty because his friends paid hush money to the slu+, then so are the friends... and don't forget about the slu+. If one conspirator goes down, then they should all go down.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Kill the Christians!!!

Houston Chronicle article:
Islamic Students in Houston Area Madrassa Memorize the Koran


It's their religion. They have the right to worship it how they choose.
There is something missing in this commenting section.
Where are the far left comments from people like "Religion is for the weak" (or whatever his exact name is)?
You all know the ones that I am talking about. The far left people who trash Christianity under the guise of being "anti-religion". There are so many of their comments under every story that is even remotely linked to Christianity. Now here is a story about a different religion, and not a single comment... not a damn peep out of them.
Their silence on this article's commenting section is deafening!

Kill the Christians!!!

Houston Chronicle article

He did not say that atheist & agnostics "couldn't" be on these forums.
He merely implied that their sole purpose for patronizing these sites is to offend Christians.
I believe he is correct, but the truth is that Christians do not have the right to stop someone from saying or doing something just because they find it offensive.
I just wish that atheist, agnostics, and people of other religions would also recognize that they lack this right as well.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ilegal Immigration

Houston Chronicle comment:

247273 wrote:
Listen hillbillies, trailer trash, crackers, bush, lone star drinking, next time you go to a restaurant, call the ICE hotline and report these illegal aliens. I am tired of all the complaining. Put an end to these restaurants hiring illegal’s, especially all the fancy ones down river oaks. Stop complaining and go out and vote for stricter immigration laws.

I prefer people who drink Lone Star, over people who depend on Lone Star to feed their non-American family.

Monday, May 30, 2011

White Privilege

Is it okay to call these people "white, inbred, trailer trash, meth heads"?
Answer: Yes
Is it okay to call black gang members (whom target whites and asians)/New Black Panthers, "black, baby mama making, ghetto, crack heads"?
Answer: Absolutely not!
So, clearly there is a double standard in regards to what speech is considered racist.
As for the comment about how "black people are poor because they were born poor"/"it is because blacks do not have white privilege" and all of that B.S.... well I grew up poor. I had no options nor any money for college, so I joined the Army and Uncle Sam paid for my education.
I was not alone either. There were many poor whites, blacks, and hispanics in the Army... due to both desire to serve our nation and lack of opportunities in our poor neighborhoods. Because of the horrible environment in public schools, most of us (like myself) only had GEDs. So... most of us received the GI Bill, went to college, and have now become very successful people.
If so many of us poor white, black, and hispanic people were able to succeed, then you can't claim that racism, family poverty, a history of slavery, and "white privilege" are the reaons that other poor whites and minorities did not succeed in life. Many of my old friends chose to stay back in the neighborhood and sell/use drugs. They made unwise decisions.
It is all about the decisions that we make in life... not so much about the cards that we were dealt.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Drug Smuggling Tunnels

'Sophisticated' tunnel found along Arizona border

Houston Chronicle Article

NOGALES, Ariz. — Authorities in Arizona say they've found a 250-foot-long unfinished smuggling tunnel underneath the U.S.-Mexico border that has electricity, water pumps and ventilation.

Sophisticated my .ss!
The cartels could do better than this.
I want to see a tunnel sitting on 20 inch spinning rims, battery powered hydraulics, and a stereo that threatens to cave the roof in when turned to full volume... all sitting in their parents front lawn!
The drug cartels aren't even trying anymore.
No flare... no no nothing. What a pathetic excuse for a smuggling tunnel.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Ilegal Immigration

Okay... you people want to say that illegal aliens pay there own way here, right?
Well... I say, "Lets have the illegals take the Pepsi challenge!"
We will offer illegals the choice, "You can pay zero, zilch, in taxes... no federal income taxes, SS, Medicare, property taxes, or sales taxes, BUT you do have to pay 100% of all your childrens' eduction costs... no government subsidies whatsoever."
Lets see how many illegal alien takers we find.
Yeah... that's what I thought.
I am not all about kicking children out of school just because they shouldn't be here. Not that I think that they DESERVE an education on America's dime. I just think that it is barbaric to kick kids out of school.
All that I ask is that you pro-illegal-immigration people...refrain from urinating on me and tell me that it's raining!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Ilegal Immigration

tequila wrote:
"Todays "illegals" were who your parents, grandparents or great grandparents were 50 or 100 years ago."
The business are inviting them here... and they are just taking the jobs that Americans don't want.
Tequila, there is nothing special or miraculous about this land. It was the people's sweat and blood that made this nation great. The land is just that... land. Our families literally built this nation from the ground up. Most of that happened after the 1870's when America truly became industrialized. Before that it was just soil. The illegal aliens don't have the same family investment that we have.
Are there Americans of Hispanic decent that have the same investment? Of course. There have been Hispanic families here since before the U.S. even existed. And yes, they have just as much right to be here as anyone else. They are invested in America.
There is a good reason that Americans no longer want those jobs. Americans don't want to compete with unskilled workers who will work for peanuts. Americans were pushed out of those jobs by illegal immigration.
It really doesn't matter at this point. A good percentage illegal immigrants are unemployed now. Some of the illegal immigrants who have been here for better than 15 years are out on the streets begging for jobs. That is what happens when you leave immigration unchecked. More people come flooding in than what we have jobs for.
Now the Dems want to make all of these unemployed illegal immigrants citizens, and thus eligible to apply for the unskilled Walmart/McJobs that are sustaining America's poor right now.

...And that my friends will put the final nail in the American poor people's coffins.

Osama bin Deaden

Al-Qaida confirms Osama bin Laden's death

CAIRO — Al-Qaida on Friday confirmed the killing of Osama bin Laden and warned of retaliation, saying Americans' "happiness will turn to sadness."

al Qaeda is just upset because the senior leadership sent their wives to a "How to take a beating" seminar in Boston Mass., and photos of them showed up on the "S.l.u.t Walk" marching protest website!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Osama bin Deaden

Here are the photos of bin Laden's little butt buddies.
Reuters purchased them from a Pakistani intelligence agent.
There are several photos of the compound and Osama's dead little butt buddies on this Reuters page. You just have to flip through them.
They are graphic...
...but I just don't think of people who support bin Laden as true humans.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama bin Deaden

Clear Creek ISD teacher accused of insensitivity

Muslim girl reports alleged bin Laden remark

A Clear Creek ISD teacher has been placed on administrative leave after being accused of making insensitive comments to a Muslim student about the death of Osama bin Laden.

People need to quit saying bad things about Osama bin Laden!
He was just a "product of his environment" or "misunderstood". After all, he wasn't a particularly "bad guy". He was "led astray and radicalized during his young, vulnerable years".
Plus, I am pretty sure that he was molested as a child.
By killing O/Usama bin Laden, doesn't that make us just like him... or even worse?
Obama should have given Osama amnesty, or at least a reprieve from the death penalty.
Welcome to the United Liberal States of America.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Minorities Have Rights Too!

Houston Chronicle article:

16 hours of debate, 1 House redistricting map

Democrats' bids fail, legal action possible as GOP sends bill to Senate

"When we divide our communities of interest, that's the kind of frustration that drives our constituents up a wall," Hochberg said.

Solomons maintained that, based on the legal advice he was getting, Hochberg's district was not a minority district protected by the Voting Rights Act. Nor was Vo's district, he said, even though, as Vo noted, it's 40 percent Asian, 20 percent Hispanic and 20 percent African-American.

"It's hard to please everybody in every area and every district," said Solomons, who chairs the House Redistricting Committee and was at the mike defending his bill for most of those 16 hours.

Although colleagues on both sides of the aisle lauded Solomons' fairness and equanimity, some Democrats questioned his commitment to minority representation.

"Our state is changing rapidly, and it is so important that we create a map that reflects those changing demographics," said Mike Villarreal, the San Antonio Democrat who co-chaired the committee.


This is just horrible.
Everyone knows that the Minorities need a protected habitat in order for them to mate and thrive!
First "the White man" sprays DDT all over the place, causing the Minority's egg shells to become thin... and now "the White man" wants to completely do them in by destroying their natural habitat.
The Minority is the emblem of freedom, and can even be found on the U.S. Presidential Seal!
The Minority's natural habitat must be protected!
Oh wait, I was thinking of the American Bald Eagle!
The liberals treat minorities and American Bald Eagles the same, so I have a difficult time differentiating between the two.
Never mind... please proceed with the redistricting plans.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


A Muslim actress has reportedly caused outrage, receiving threats for posing nude in the German edition of Playboy.

Read more:

.The Mus lims like to ki!! beautiful women and g ays, because many of them are themselves closet h0m0s exuals.
I really have nothing against g ays, but when you mix being g ay and Mus lim... you get a big problem.
The Mus lims that bl ew up the World Trade Center the first time... they tried to gang r@pe a male pr ison guard. The Iran ians are known for ki!!ing the women and r@ping the men. They get so guilt ridden over being h0m0s that the first one who comes out of the closet, they stone to de ath. I really have no problem with h0m0s, but when they think that the only way a Mu slim g ay can enter heaven is by blo wing themselves up... it's a problem.
Someone needs to remind them that it supposed to be 72 FEMALE virgins waiting for them in heaven. I get the feeling that there are quite a few disappointed Mus lims martyrs in heaven right now!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Work more!... so that I don't have to.

Houston Chronicle article:

When the next meal is a maybe

A ground-breaking study takes a look at how many families in area counties are struggling to put food on their tables

Among the findings in a landmark study of food insecurity in area counties: Every day more than 700,000 people in Harris don't know where they will get their next meal.

That was a great article, but there is just one thing that I don't understand.
You all want to give me more federal food stamps? How is that going to feed my twelve children?
Everyone knows that food stamps are meant to be sold for 30 cents on the dollar. So, how will supporting my methamphetamine habit help feed my children?
I mean don't get me wrong. I appreciate the extra meth money. After all, one can never have too much meth.
I just don't get the connection.
more food stamps = more meth... and at the end of the day my twelve, oh make that thirteen now, children still go to bed hungry.
I will never understand you rich folks!

Work more!... so that I don't have to.

Houston Chronicle article:

When the next meal is a maybe

A ground-breaking study takes a look at how many families in area counties are struggling to put food on their tables

Among the findings in a landmark study of food insecurity in area counties: Every day more than 700,000 people in Harris don't know where they will get their next meal.

You people need to get off the damn internet, and get back to work.
What do you all think... that my children are going to feed themselves?
Less time on the internet + you spending more time at work = more tax money to feed my family.
Can't you all hear my stomach growling?
Chop, chop... break time is over... back to work.
You all are on my dime now.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

McDonald's Beat Down

McDonald's in Maryland to Probe Response to Beating

How could this be considered a hate crime? This is just a couple of black women seeking "social justice" in a McDonald's!
Nothing to see here folks, move along.

  • Me thinks that a Bl ack McDonald's is not a safe place for a White or Asian person to be dining. But some Whites and Asians will say "but...but...this is America, and I have the right to be in this gangland McDonald's without being harmed."
    It's just like the war reporters saying that they have the right to be in a war zone without being afraid of getting shot.
    Well maybe so, but that is not reality.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lets Kill Some Babies

Hey... if I want to go off and kill a convenience store clerk, then that is my right. Screw you guys for judging me with self-righteous, ultra-conservative values. Damn. You all do not have the right to belittle me just because I am a staunch supporter of murder! What has become of our society?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Dead Heads

OLYMPIA, Wash. — The U.S. Army on Monday apologized for any distress caused by recently published photos of American soldiers posing with dead Afghans, calling their content "disturbing" and "in striking contrast" to the Army's standards and values.

Soldiers become morbid. What are you going to do? This has been going on for a long, long time.
Immediately after cameras came out, some of the first pictures were pornography, only to be followed by cowboys posing with the corpses of outlaws.
My granduncle had pictures of his whole unit posing with dead Japanese soldiers.
My Army recruiter also had the same types of pictures from the first Gulf War. He showed them to me at the recruiter's station.
Big Deal. Oh well... The Taliban and al Qaeda are not real people anyway.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Asians in the Library

RamzPaul video:

Yeah... I think she is pretty much a dumb bitch. The problem with her views about "Asians in the Library" is that first of all... How many Blacks and Mexicans did she see in the library? I am guessing not to many of those races can be found in a library. Secondly, this is UCLA we are talking about here. All of the Anglos that go to UCLA take up majors like "Diversity", "Equality", oh... and "Social Justice". Those majors just don't require much studying time. So, I bet she looked around in the library, and all she saw was a sea of yellow colored folks. If a phone rings, and it wasn't hers... then it almost certainly had to be an Asian person's phone. At least 5% of people, in all races, are going to have anti-social personality disorders. It stands to reason that there will be some Asian assholes out there.
...although, on second thought this could have been some sort of anti-Communist-China protest. If they got caught answering a telephone in a library back in the mother land, their government would probably give them a lethal injection, and harvest their organs. I think I might be on to something here.

Confederate Redneck

GRANTS PASS, Ore. — An Oregon school bus driver fired after he refused to remove a Confederate battle flag from his pickup truck has filed a federal lawsuit to get his job back. The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court in Medford on Wednesday against First Student Inc., the school bus contractor that fired Ken Webber earlier this month.

What is wrong with this guy?
Everyone knows that Anglo people are not allowed to have a culture. Even saying the words "Anglo/white culture" out loud should be deemed racist, and thus offensive to minorities.
Every human being should have the right to be proud of their race; Just not us Anglos. Shoot, this sort of thing should be taught in public schools (I do believe it is taught in public schools).
Me? I am trying to lead more of a liberal lifestyle . I cry myself to sleep every night over what happened during the time of slavery. That way, when I wake up in morning, I have the proper amount of "white guilt". Then I go about my daily routine of apologizing profusely for just being Anglo. This should be the standard for all of us Anglo people.

Liberal TextBooks

Comment on: Pressure mounts for curriculum redo at 3/19/2011 9:54 AM CDT
More protests on the Texas State Board of Educations plan to remove liberal bias from the textbooks.

I think that the most important thing here, is that the text books are sufficiently thick so as to even out the kid's kitchen table legs. No one wants to deprive these children of having the right to roll a marijuana cigarette or load a crack pipe on a balanced table. Children have rights too.

Who am I supposed to side with if I do not want politicians or "civil rights groups" deciding what my child learns in school? Quite honestly, neither politicians nor members of civil rights groups are the brightest stars in the sky..
Me thinks private schools are the way to go.

"With minority children soon to fill 75 percent of Texas classrooms"One question:Wouldn't that make them majorities rather than minorities?
Comment on: HFP exam suit settled at 3/22/2011 8:59 PM CDT
7 black firefighters sued the city of Houston for not scoring high enough on a "racially biased" promotion exam. 7 white firefighters scored higher than them, and got the promotions. The 7 black firefighters will now be promoted with back pay.


This is just one of the reasons that are nation is heading down the toilet. Black people can score just as high as white people on these tests. I wonder if SC Justice Clarence Thomas asked for a special "culturally sensitive" bar exam. Somehow I doubt it.

I think what this article tells black children, is that they don't really need to study in school. Any exam requiring reading and writing abilities, would be "racially biased" anyway. Why should they finish school? According to this article, black people can't compete with white people unless the deck is loaded in black people's favor. Black children... please do not worry about studying for exams. You are members of a protected class, and will get the promotion no matter what you do..Of course all of that is BS. Black people and liberals keep promoting the idea that black people are not as smart as white people. That is the true oppression that black children are facing today.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Houston Chronicle article:
Three House Republicans say they're uncomfortable with the way Texas' new social studies standards were adopted.

I think that the most important thing here, is that the text books are sufficiently thick so as to even out the kid's kitchen table legs. No one wants to deprive these children of having the right to roll a marijuana cigarette or load a crack pipe on a balanced table. Children have rights too.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

With passage of a photo voter identification bill all but a foregone conclusion in the Texas Senate, Democratic senators Tuesday sought to demonstrate that such a law would suppress minority voter turnout in possible violation of the federal Voting Rights Act.

Xliberalfool wrote:
This is not fair! When this law goes into effect, how are the food service unions supposed to stuff the ballot boxes for Democrats? Is anybody thinking about them? What about SJL? How the hell is she going to get elected again? SJL is our only chance at normalizing our trade relations with North Vietnam AND South Vietnam! Once again, no one is thinking about the little people!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


U.S.-Check, India-Check, Canada-check, Philippines-check, Thailand-check, Russia-check, China-check, Australia-check, United Kingdom-check, France-check, Denmark-check, Sweden-check, Germany-check
Pakistan-check, Saudi Arabia-check, Somalia-check, Indonesia-check, Yemen-check, Nigeria-check, Iraq-check, Iran-check, Turkey-check, Malaysia-check, Afghanistan-check

I know that I left out a few countries, but this is enough to get the point across. All of these countries have a problem with violent Muslim jihadist. I could see if it was just three or four countries, then the problem may lie elsewhere. It is obvious that the problem is with in Islam, and can no longer be avoided. There is something wrong with Islam and it needs to be corrected, and if not - anger against Islam will continue to grow, and Islam will always remain the worlds black sheep.
Sorry for the spelling/grammar. I am tired right now.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Illegal Welfare, Something to Remember

UBetcha wrote:

They need the money to help our ILLEGALS with their subsidies--------Jobs are NOT the only thing the illegals come for. Many come soley to have their babies. Many illegal women don't work. They have baby after baby...for free. They immediately enroll them in Medicaid (they already got Medicaid and WIC once they show that they are preggo) which then translates to benefits for the entire family. The kids get to go to school and eat breakfast and lunch for free the entire year (at least in our district). Once the kid is old enough, 21 yrs. Old they can sponser the parents for citizenship. Got it? No, having an anchor baby doesn't guarantee that you'll get to stay, but it DOES guarantee a lot of other benefits paid for by the good 'ole US of A. Many Mexican mothers to be don't even live here. They drive across the border to have their child and then drive the child over the border for free medical care. The Mexican government sponsers programs that TELL their citizens where in the US they can go to get free healthcare for them and their kids. The Golden ParachuteFor these Model citizens that are ready to help Americans. less

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Liberal Vitriol

We, conservative Republicans, owe a huge debt to the liberal left. The liberal left, during the Bush administration, gave us 8 years of "vitriolic", hate inspired rhetoric. They completely demonized the Republicans and Pres. George W. Bush, and I feel obligated to return the favor. The lefties blamed us for everything that went wrong, during those 8 years. Hell, Obama blamed conservative for everything that happened in the first two years of his presidency. He would still be blaming conservatives to this very day, if the liberal media hadn’t told him that the American public wasn’t buying it anymore.

The liberal Democrats called our soldiers TERORRISTS, who have killed 300,000 Iraqi civilians. The majority of liberals think that we were attacked on 9/11 because of “Dubya’s” foreign policy, even though Mohamed Atta planned & trained had entered the U.S. to commit the attacks, by June 2000, before Bush was even elected president.

A poll conducted by Ohio University found that 36% of Americans think that either Pres. Bush was actively involved in the 9/11 attacks, or gave his permission for them to be carried out. I highly doubt that these people consider themselves as conservatives.

Liberals are known for disrupting political debates and public gatherings by screaming that Pres. Bush carried out the 9/11 attacks.

Durring the 2008 and Presidential elections, vitriolic, hateful leftwing propaganda organization) implied that Gen. Petraeus is a traitor for saying that the troop surge plan was working. Pres. Obama has now been put Gen. Petraeus incharge ig the war in Afghanistan.

The vitriol that I have just described is the most hateful, vile, downright evil, political rhetoric that I can imagine.

I loved Pres. Obama’s speech, I thought that it was hilarious.

This man grabbed the keys to the “liberal, vitriolic, hateful rhetoric car”, pressed the pedal to the metal, and drove it all the way from Chicago to the White House. For the last two years he has been in the liberal hate car doing donuts on the front lawn of the White House. He has shoved laws down our throats. Now that we conservatives have finally gotten on our “hateful rhetoric moped”, Obama wants to take the keys from us, and make us walk down “quit your bitching avenue”. Well, you have 6 years worth of hate coming, and unless the liberals go bankrupt in 2012 like I predict, we are going to make sure you receive back every bit of it… plus interest!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Woman with Two Black Eyes

From a Houston Chronicle article about an ugly guy who shot his congresswoman and 18 others.
GetKraken wrote:
"Couldn't the cop arrest him for looking like Uncle Fester?"

VennasWay replied:
"No they can't , had that been the case they should arrest my ex because he was Uncle Fester's twin."

Xliberalfool replied to VennasWay:
Sorry VennasWay, but your statement reminds me of some of the absurdities in this world. So, I have to go off on one of my rants.
I will never understand women who say their "exs" are so ugly, broke, immoral, and just generally bad people. It really insults the woman just as much as the "ex". I mean you dated/married him, right?
Another thing that I don't get, is how all of these women want to date "bad boys" with their prison tattoos and scars (I am not saying any of this is you, but just women in general). Then they complain when the guy turns out to be, in fact, a bad boy, and clears out her bank account, pawns all of her jewelery and takes off. Then when a "church going guy" comes along she deems him too "boring" to date. Finally, when they are already in their late thirties, they complain that all of the good ones are already taken, or are gay. Absolutely amazing!
I know a girl now, who used to get the crap beat out of her by her boyfriend. Her father and a group of us, ran the guy off under the threat of death. Within six months of us running that arsehole off, she had eloped with another older, abusive guy. This guy will not even let her come out of the house.
Nazi-feminist, go around screaming about how bad men are, and some of them are, but women seek these abusive guys out. They gravitate toward them.
If a guy treats a woman kindly, then that woman starts yelling "Chivalry is a form of sexism!", but when a guy puts a "pop knot" on her head, that same woman says "ahhh, he really loves me!".
I know that no person "deserves" to be treated this way, but it is not really about "deserving" the abuse. It has more to do with "cause and effect". As long as women continue to desire these types of men, then women will continue to be abused. What really, really pisses me off, is when women bring their child into these abusive relationships.
I know that neither the article nor your comment warranted such a rant, but it just reminded me of these absurdities. It is something that I have been thinking about ever since that "Coe" animal raped and killed his girl friend's four year old daughter. The woman protected him. even after she found out that this animal had given both the woman and her daughter herpes ( a sexually transmitted disease).

Budget Crisis & Illegal Immigration

Okay, I have a few proposals. They may not completely solve the budget and illegal alien problems, but they will certainly go a long way to fix them.

1) 1) We stop all current forms of welfare. All monies and food stamps, everything. Now, I know there are many hard working people who need financial help, just to survive. I am all for helping the working-poor, but the lazy poor need to be cut off. They are dragging us down.

2) 2) For the working-poor (people who are working two or three jobs and still suffering), so we will enact a subsidy program where we give 15 to 20 cents for every honest, taxable dollar that they earn. No more free food and welfare money. We are a society of charitable capitalist, not suckers. Work or starve.

3) 3) For the people who are on permanent unemployment, we have to get them working again. Just sitting around and hoping that jobs open up in a dead profession, is not going to work anymore. If you cannot find a job, then go to the unemployment line. We will bus you to the agriculture fields, the food canning factories, anywhere there are jobs that illegal aliens currently hold. If they refuse to work, then no unemployment check, but if there is no work to be had, you still get your check. Don’t scoff at this idea. Some of these jobs pay nearly thirty grand a year, if you can’t live off that, then you are not trying. If an employer refuses to hire workers with the state unemployment bureau, and then gets caught hiring illegal aliens… 5 years imprisonment. Mandatory minimum sentencing and no parole.

4) 4) Put a 35% remittance tax on money leaving the United States. We are hemorrhaging money faster than we can print it. This capitalist system only works if the money continues to circulate within our own society. We have outsourced all of our manufacturing jobs, computer software jobs, telecom jobs ect overseas. The money from the few jobs we have left cannot be sent elsewhere. Foreigners who come here legally are welcome to earn a nice living, but they cannot immediately send it all to their families in other countries. We will go bankrupt if this continues.

These proposals will greatly reduce the burden of illegal aliens and the welfare class, on our social services. Having significantly fewer children of illegal aliens (who do not speak English) will free up a great deal of money for our education system.

These proposals have the added bonus of letting the welfare class feel proud that they have earned most of the money that they spend, and contributed to society at the same time. This will not fix all of our problems (Social Security/medicare will still be problems), but it will help relieve some of the strain on our state and federal budget.

Lets Kill Some Babies

When I was in my reproductive studies class, our professor showed us photographs of murdered babies. If they were murdered late in intrauterine life, they would just rip the shoulder & arm off, in order to more easily fit the tiny corpse through the woman's cervical os.
Those photos were the most horrific things, that I have ever seen in my entire life. By this time, I had been in the Army and seen charred corpses, and just unimaginable Shiite on Sunni carnage (and vice versa). None of them even came close to the pure horror that I saw in those photos, that day.
The fact that someone could do this to their own blood relative, merely because they did not want to be inconvenienced, I found immensely disturbing.
My wife and I cannot have children, and we decided to adopt our daughter. People need to realize that just because THEY THINK that something is trash, doesn't necessarily make it so.

Lets Kill Some Babies

Why is it that when a man kills a pregnant woman (as horrible as that is), he is charged with double homicide, in the killing of an unborn child... but when a woman commits an abortion crime, she is just discarding a useless fetus?
Shouldn't men have the right of "control over their sexual reproductive system" after conception, as well? Pro-abortion people say that one of the reasons they should be able to have an abortion, is because having a child would adversely effect their careers and how much money the mother would ultimately have. Well the same is true for the father. He will have to pay child support every month, if the woman decides to have the baby. So by that right, the father should be able to force the mother to have an abortion, right?
From article- "The report found an increase in abortion providers reporting "anti-abortion harassment"
Why is it "protesting" when people use their freedom of speech, and freedom to assemble rights, to support abortion... but when people use those exact same rights to oppose abortions, it is "harassment"?
Abortion is one of the most disgusting things that a person can do in their life. The vast majority of abortion crimes (crimes against humanity), are committed because men and women do not WANT to act right, and do not want to be held responsible for their poor decisions. Abortion is a symptom of a serious problem in our modern day society. People just do not want to behave in a productive manner, anymore. Society has a terminal illness, and their is no pill to cure it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1000 Primary School Students Fined in Texas

Eventually, we are going to have to let children who do not want to be in school, stay home, and not bother them. We should not even be ALLOWING them in the classroom. This is not prejudice on my part. It doesn't mater to me, my children go to private schools, anyway. I say this because if we do not, the education gap (and future wealth gap) between privileged and non-privileged children will continue to grow. This may sound backwards, but if you think about it, it is true. Our current practice of forcing all students to go to school, is bringing down every single disadvantaged child down. The children who's parents act like school is a day care center(so the school system will feed and watch their children, and they will not go to jail for child neglect), some of these children become monsters, and destroy the learning environment for every student in the class. We must completely separate these children, or one bad apple will spoil the bunch. Many disadvantaged children have the ability to do really well in their studies, but only if we weed out the bad ones. We will completely loose only a few, when right now... we are loosing nearly all of them.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Yep, you liberal guys are exactly right. I saw Loughner at the far right extremest brunch meeting last week, in Tuscon. I came up to him and asked him why he is such a dork, always sitting around smoking pot, reading the communist manifesto and complaining about religion. I told him that he really did not fit-in, at our weekly mixer brunch for far right extremist groups, and how no one was going to ask him to our far rightwing "Sadie Hawkins" dance, coming up next month. So he asked me what he could do to impress some far right girls, and hopefully get a date. I informed Loughner (we use last names, because we are para-military), that the rightwing girls in the "Daughters of the Confederacy" group, are really fond of Sarah Palin, and that everything Sarah Palin says, she means literally and violently. So we got off topic, talking about how Sarah Palin had put a "bulls-eye/cross-hairs" on the local Tucson congressional district that Rep. Giffords had just won re-election in.
Later on that afternoon, as we were leaving the brunch, Loughner asked me if "momma grizzly Sarah" (that is what us rightwing extremist call Sarah Palin) often promotes the killing nine year old little girls. I said "Probably. She is fond of killing anything that has ever walked on at least two legs." I came on back to Houston, and checked the