Why is it that when a man kills a pregnant woman (as horrible as that is), he is charged with double homicide, in the killing of an unborn child... but when a woman commits an abortion crime, she is just discarding a useless fetus?
Shouldn't men have the right of "control over their sexual reproductive system" after conception, as well? Pro-abortion people say that one of the reasons they should be able to have an abortion, is because having a child would adversely effect their careers and how much money the mother would ultimately have. Well the same is true for the father. He will have to pay child support every month, if the woman decides to have the baby. So by that right, the father should be able to force the mother to have an abortion, right?
From article- "The report found an increase in abortion providers reporting "anti-abortion harassment"
Why is it "protesting" when people use their freedom of speech, and freedom to assemble rights, to support abortion... but when people use those exact same rights to oppose abortions, it is "harassment"?
Abortion is one of the most disgusting things that a person can do in their life. The vast majority of abortion crimes (crimes against humanity), are committed because men and women do not WANT to act right, and do not want to be held responsible for their poor decisions. Abortion is a symptom of a serious problem in our modern day society. People just do not want to behave in a productive manner, anymore. Society has a terminal illness, and their is no pill to cure it.
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