Okay, I have a few proposals. They may not completely solve the budget and illegal alien problems, but they will certainly go a long way to fix them.
1) 1) We stop all current forms of welfare. All monies and food stamps, everything. Now, I know there are many hard working people who need financial help, just to survive. I am all for helping the working-poor, but the lazy poor need to be cut off. They are dragging us down.
2) 2) For the working-poor (people who are working two or three jobs and still suffering), so we will enact a subsidy program where we give 15 to 20 cents for every honest, taxable dollar that they earn. No more free food and welfare money. We are a society of charitable capitalist, not suckers. Work or starve.
3) 3) For the people who are on permanent unemployment, we have to get them working again. Just sitting around and hoping that jobs open up in a dead profession, is not going to work anymore. If you cannot find a job, then go to the unemployment line. We will bus you to the agriculture fields, the food canning factories, anywhere there are jobs that illegal aliens currently hold. If they refuse to work, then no unemployment check, but if there is no work to be had, you still get your check. Don’t scoff at this idea. Some of these jobs pay nearly thirty grand a year, if you can’t live off that, then you are not trying. If an employer refuses to hire workers with the state unemployment bureau, and then gets caught hiring illegal aliens… 5 years imprisonment. Mandatory minimum sentencing and no parole.
4) 4) Put a 35% remittance tax on money leaving the United States. We are hemorrhaging money faster than we can print it. This capitalist system only works if the money continues to circulate within our own society. We have outsourced all of our manufacturing jobs, computer software jobs, telecom jobs ect overseas. The money from the few jobs we have left cannot be sent elsewhere. Foreigners who come here legally are welcome to earn a nice living, but they cannot immediately send it all to their families in other countries. We will go bankrupt if this continues.
These proposals will greatly reduce the burden of illegal aliens and the welfare class, on our social services. Having significantly fewer children of illegal aliens (who do not speak English) will free up a great deal of money for our education system.
These proposals have the added bonus of letting the welfare class feel proud that they have earned most of the money that they spend, and contributed to society at the same time. This will not fix all of our problems (Social Security/medicare will still be problems), but it will help relieve some of the strain on our state and federal budget.
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