Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Xliberalfool wrote:
This is not fair! When this law goes into effect, how are the food service unions supposed to stuff the ballot boxes for Democrats? Is anybody thinking about them? What about SJL? How the hell is she going to get elected again? SJL is our only chance at normalizing our trade relations with North Vietnam AND South Vietnam! Once again, no one is thinking about the little people!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Pakistan-check, Saudi Arabia-check, Somalia-check, Indonesia-check, Yemen-check, Nigeria-check, Iraq-check, Iran-check, Turkey-check, Malaysia-check, Afghanistan-check
I know that I left out a few countries, but this is enough to get the point across. All of these countries have a problem with violent Muslim jihadist. I could see if it was just three or four countries, then the problem may lie elsewhere. It is obvious that the problem is with in Islam, and can no longer be avoided. There is something wrong with Islam and it needs to be corrected, and if not - anger against Islam will continue to grow, and Islam will always remain the worlds black sheep.
Sorry for the spelling/grammar. I am tired right now.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Illegal Welfare, Something to Remember
They need the money to help our ILLEGALS with their subsidies--------Jobs are NOT the only thing the illegals come for. Many come soley to have their babies. Many illegal women don't work. They have baby after baby...for free. They immediately enroll them in Medicaid (they already got Medicaid and WIC once they show that they are preggo) which then translates to benefits for the entire family. The kids get to go to school and eat breakfast and lunch for free the entire year (at least in our district). Once the kid is old enough, 21 yrs. Old they can sponser the parents for citizenship. Got it? No, having an anchor baby doesn't guarantee that you'll get to stay, but it DOES guarantee a lot of other benefits paid for by the good 'ole US of A. Many Mexican mothers to be don't even live here. They drive across the border to have their child and then drive the child over the border for free medical care. The Mexican government sponsers programs that TELL their citizens where in the US they can go to get free healthcare for them and their kids. The Golden ParachuteFor these Model citizens that are ready to help Americans. less
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Liberal Vitriol
We, conservative Republicans, owe a huge debt to the liberal left. The liberal left, during the Bush administration, gave us 8 years of "vitriolic", hate inspired rhetoric. They completely demonized the Republicans and Pres. George W. Bush, and I feel obligated to return the favor. The lefties blamed us for everything that went wrong, during those 8 years. Hell, Obama blamed conservative for everything that happened in the first two years of his presidency. He would still be blaming conservatives to this very day, if the liberal media hadn’t told him that the American public wasn’t buying it anymore.
The liberal Democrats called our soldiers TERORRISTS, who have killed 300,000 Iraqi civilians. The majority of liberals think that we were attacked on 9/11 because of “Dubya’s” foreign policy, even though Mohamed Atta planned & trained had entered the U.S. to commit the attacks, by June 2000, before Bush was even elected president.
A poll conducted by Ohio University found that 36% of Americans think that either Pres. Bush was actively involved in the 9/11 attacks, or gave his permission for them to be carried out. I highly doubt that these people consider themselves as conservatives.
Liberals are known for disrupting political debates and public gatherings by screaming that Pres. Bush carried out the 9/11 attacks.
Durring the 2008 and Presidential elections, vitriolic, hateful leftwing propaganda organization) implied that Gen. Petraeus is a traitor for saying that the troop surge plan was working. Pres. Obama has now been put Gen. Petraeus incharge ig the war in Afghanistan.
The vitriol that I have just described is the most hateful, vile, downright evil, political rhetoric that I can imagine.
I loved Pres. Obama’s speech, I thought that it was hilarious.
This man grabbed the keys to the “liberal, vitriolic, hateful rhetoric car”, pressed the pedal to the metal, and drove it all the way from Chicago to the White House. For the last two years he has been in the liberal hate car doing donuts on the front lawn of the White House. He has shoved laws down our throats. Now that we conservatives have finally gotten on our “hateful rhetoric moped”, Obama wants to take the keys from us, and make us walk down “quit your bitching avenue”. Well, you have 6 years worth of hate coming, and unless the liberals go bankrupt in 2012 like I predict, we are going to make sure you receive back every bit of it… plus interest!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
The Woman with Two Black Eyes
GetKraken wrote:
"Couldn't the cop arrest him for looking like Uncle Fester?"
VennasWay replied:
"No they can't , had that been the case they should arrest my ex because he was Uncle Fester's twin."
Xliberalfool replied to VennasWay:
Sorry VennasWay, but your statement reminds me of some of the absurdities in this world. So, I have to go off on one of my rants.
I will never understand women who say their "exs" are so ugly, broke, immoral, and just generally bad people. It really insults the woman just as much as the "ex". I mean you dated/married him, right?
Another thing that I don't get, is how all of these women want to date "bad boys" with their prison tattoos and scars (I am not saying any of this is you, but just women in general). Then they complain when the guy turns out to be, in fact, a bad boy, and clears out her bank account, pawns all of her jewelery and takes off. Then when a "church going guy" comes along she deems him too "boring" to date. Finally, when they are already in their late thirties, they complain that all of the good ones are already taken, or are gay. Absolutely amazing!
I know a girl now, who used to get the crap beat out of her by her boyfriend. Her father and a group of us, ran the guy off under the threat of death. Within six months of us running that arsehole off, she had eloped with another older, abusive guy. This guy will not even let her come out of the house.
Nazi-feminist, go around screaming about how bad men are, and some of them are, but women seek these abusive guys out. They gravitate toward them.
If a guy treats a woman kindly, then that woman starts yelling "Chivalry is a form of sexism!", but when a guy puts a "pop knot" on her head, that same woman says "ahhh, he really loves me!".
I know that no person "deserves" to be treated this way, but it is not really about "deserving" the abuse. It has more to do with "cause and effect". As long as women continue to desire these types of men, then women will continue to be abused. What really, really pisses me off, is when women bring their child into these abusive relationships.
I know that neither the article nor your comment warranted such a rant, but it just reminded me of these absurdities. It is something that I have been thinking about ever since that "Coe" animal raped and killed his girl friend's four year old daughter. The woman protected him. even after she found out that this animal had given both the woman and her daughter herpes ( a sexually transmitted disease).
Budget Crisis & Illegal Immigration
Okay, I have a few proposals. They may not completely solve the budget and illegal alien problems, but they will certainly go a long way to fix them.
1) 1) We stop all current forms of welfare. All monies and food stamps, everything. Now, I know there are many hard working people who need financial help, just to survive. I am all for helping the working-poor, but the lazy poor need to be cut off. They are dragging us down.
2) 2) For the working-poor (people who are working two or three jobs and still suffering), so we will enact a subsidy program where we give 15 to 20 cents for every honest, taxable dollar that they earn. No more free food and welfare money. We are a society of charitable capitalist, not suckers. Work or starve.
3) 3) For the people who are on permanent unemployment, we have to get them working again. Just sitting around and hoping that jobs open up in a dead profession, is not going to work anymore. If you cannot find a job, then go to the unemployment line. We will bus you to the agriculture fields, the food canning factories, anywhere there are jobs that illegal aliens currently hold. If they refuse to work, then no unemployment check, but if there is no work to be had, you still get your check. Don’t scoff at this idea. Some of these jobs pay nearly thirty grand a year, if you can’t live off that, then you are not trying. If an employer refuses to hire workers with the state unemployment bureau, and then gets caught hiring illegal aliens… 5 years imprisonment. Mandatory minimum sentencing and no parole.
4) 4) Put a 35% remittance tax on money leaving the United States. We are hemorrhaging money faster than we can print it. This capitalist system only works if the money continues to circulate within our own society. We have outsourced all of our manufacturing jobs, computer software jobs, telecom jobs ect overseas. The money from the few jobs we have left cannot be sent elsewhere. Foreigners who come here legally are welcome to earn a nice living, but they cannot immediately send it all to their families in other countries. We will go bankrupt if this continues.
These proposals will greatly reduce the burden of illegal aliens and the welfare class, on our social services. Having significantly fewer children of illegal aliens (who do not speak English) will free up a great deal of money for our education system.
These proposals have the added bonus of letting the welfare class feel proud that they have earned most of the money that they spend, and contributed to society at the same time. This will not fix all of our problems (Social Security/medicare will still be problems), but it will help relieve some of the strain on our state and federal budget.
Lets Kill Some Babies
Those photos were the most horrific things, that I have ever seen in my entire life. By this time, I had been in the Army and seen charred corpses, and just unimaginable Shiite on Sunni carnage (and vice versa). None of them even came close to the pure horror that I saw in those photos, that day.
The fact that someone could do this to their own blood relative, merely because they did not want to be inconvenienced, I found immensely disturbing.
My wife and I cannot have children, and we decided to adopt our daughter. People need to realize that just because THEY THINK that something is trash, doesn't necessarily make it so.
Lets Kill Some Babies
Shouldn't men have the right of "control over their sexual reproductive system" after conception, as well? Pro-abortion people say that one of the reasons they should be able to have an abortion, is because having a child would adversely effect their careers and how much money the mother would ultimately have. Well the same is true for the father. He will have to pay child support every month, if the woman decides to have the baby. So by that right, the father should be able to force the mother to have an abortion, right?
From article- "The report found an increase in abortion providers reporting "anti-abortion harassment"
Why is it "protesting" when people use their freedom of speech, and freedom to assemble rights, to support abortion... but when people use those exact same rights to oppose abortions, it is "harassment"?
Abortion is one of the most disgusting things that a person can do in their life. The vast majority of abortion crimes (crimes against humanity), are committed because men and women do not WANT to act right, and do not want to be held responsible for their poor decisions. Abortion is a symptom of a serious problem in our modern day society. People just do not want to behave in a productive manner, anymore. Society has a terminal illness, and their is no pill to cure it.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
1000 Primary School Students Fined in Texas
Monday, January 10, 2011
Later on that afternoon, as we were leaving the brunch, Loughner asked me if "momma grizzly Sarah" (that is what us rightwing extremist call Sarah Palin) often promotes the killing nine year old little girls. I said "Probably. She is fond of killing anything that has ever walked on at least two legs." I came on back to Houston, and checked the
Congress Woman Shot
"Sorry Watch, but Glocks with 30 round clips, affiliating with white supremacists, calling a classmate a "terrorist for killing the baby" when she read a poem about abortion, and advocating for the gold standard are all extreme right wing views."
This is important information. That statement on abortion, almost certainly means that our "good friend" Jared Loughner was a right wing conservative.
Then why, why, why wouldn't PDoggy (a liberal)give a source for such damning information? Maybe it is because he is just lazy. No, I doubt it.
Do you think it could be that he doesn't want us to know what the rest of the article says?
Lets take a look: (Keep in mind that the NY Times is an extremely liberal newspaper.)
“As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal. & oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy,” the former classmate, Caitie Parker, wrote in a series of Twitter feeds Saturday. “I haven’t seen him since ’07 though. He became very reclusive.”
“He was a political radical & met Giffords once before in ’07, asked her a question & he told me she was ‘stupid & unintelligent,’ ” she wrote."
Excerpt from the NY Times newspaper
I am so sick of the far left liberal's lies and half truths!!! Yesterday, I saw that some liberal had written that Loughner had put Sarah Palin in his "likes list" on Facebook. I saw Loughner's Facebook page before they took it down. The liberal's statement was a complete fabrication. No wonder we do not want you liberals writing our childrens' history books!
Yes, Loughner did not like illegal immigration, many Democrats these days, do not... including Rep. Giffords. Many Democrats also do not like the killing of unborn babies, like Senator Harry Reid (D) NV.
Now, I am willing to admit that this guy killed because he was schizo, and not because he was a liberal. But I am tired of you liberals lying and telling half truths, to try and prove your false theory, that right leaning political pundits made this guy go on a killing spree. It is pure hateful BS and you all know it.
Sanitariums Coming Back Soon?
Xliberalfool wrote:
This guy was definitely a member of the "padded walls club". I think that we can all agree on that.
I see many of you writing that someone should have done something about this kid's mental state, long before it came to this.
Question: Are you all ready to limit our civil liberties in order to stop these types of tragedies from occurring? Are we ready to give up the right to refuse medical/psychiatric treatment? I have experience in dealing with psychotic patients, and many will refuse their medications. Anti-psychotic drugs have pretty nasty side effects, sometimes (but rarely) they can even prove to be fatal.
(There is more under "Reply" to this comment.)
Right now, we can hold and treat someone, only if their behavior is bad enough that the police believe their is an imminent threat of physical harm to that person's self or others. Even then, the confinement is only a maximum of 2-3 days (I believe that is the law. Let me know if I am incorrect).
What I am talking about is forcibly treating people on both an inpatient an out-patient basis, for many years/decades. We would have to identify them, round them up at least once a month, hold them down, and give them a depot (long term) shot of anti-psychotic meds. Unfortunately anti-psychotic meds do not work for everyone, and some would require confinement in government run sanitariums.
How would you like it, if some government doctor thought your son/daughter might be a little too eccentric, and there was nothing that you could do to make government leave him/her alone. That is a slippery slope to start on, and most of all... it is down right un-American. But so is shooting your congresswoman, a federal judge, and a nine year old girl. I have not made up my mind on this yet.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Congress Woman Shot, Funny
The FBI official, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the ongoing investigation, says Rep. Giffords chaired a powerful congressional committee, that oversees a CIA program dedicated to using satellites in order to control the thoughts and decisions of current and past world leaders. "This may have been the first step in an Illuminati/Vril plot to seize power over these sophisticated, mind-control satellites." said the FBI agent.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, U.S. President Barak Obama, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, and other world leaders, are being urged to wear aluminum foil hats in hope of preventing total world domination by the Illuminati and Vril societies.
Congress Woman Shot, take it like a man!
Yahoo News article:
"In the aftermath of the Giffords’ shooting, a debate over heated political rhetoric"
"The ubiquitous nature of the internet means that not only threats, but hate speech and other inciteful speech is much more readily available to individuals than quite clearly it was eight or ten or fifteen years ago," Mueller said. "That absolutely presents a challenge for us, particularly when it results in what would be lone wolves or lone offenders undertaking attacks."
From Yahoo News
I have been saying this for years! I think that John Lennon's "vitriol" music and the internet providing 24 hours a day access to it, caused that wacko Chapman, to assassinate John Lennon.
"On Sunday, politicians from both sides of the aisle cautioned against inflamed rhetoric,"
It seems to me, that politicians from both sides of the aisle, should be cautioning against schizophrenics who smoke tons of pot.
Why is it that this "vitriol" speech was okay and fine, for the 8 years that George W. Bush was president, but now that a liberal is in the White House... it is vitriolic hate speech & completely out of line. Just another double standard from the liberals. Liberals, if you can dish it out - then you can take it. Just bite the pillow, and take it like a "man", because we Republicans "have our sites set" on the White House, in 2012. Conservatives are going to "blow the polls up" come November, 2012.
Mexican Drug Cartels, Wealthy Censored
What is really scary, is the n.a.r.c.o/d.rug w.ars in Aust.ralia and S. Kor.ea. I worry about those two narc.otic hubs exploding into vio.lence, everyday.
Don't you all know that the reason Me.xico is having such a terr.ible problem with car.tels, is because of POV.ERTY! Everyone is screaming "Those poor, poor Mex.icans. What about the!!! Give them a DRE.AM for the future! "The only way an hon.est Mex.ican cit.izen can survive, is buy poi.son." That is what they tell us, right?
The U.S. should not help in Me.xico's wa.r against themselves (the dru.g cart.els), not at all. No money should be sent to Mex.ico to their, not even the slightest bit. Not one U.S. cent.avo!
Mex.ico is the 14th most wealthiest nation, on earth. Just slightly less prosperous than Austr.alia, and a little bit better off than S. Ko.rea.
Me.xico has a huge ill.icit dru.g buying/using market themselves... Mex.ican dru.g add.icts have real buying power. The Mex.ican market is what the cart.els are fighting over, not Ame.rica's market!
The reason Me.xico is plag.ued with viole.nce, is because of what is in Mex.ico itself... COR.RUPT MEXI.CANS.
Shoot, that cou.ntry's corr.uption rivals that of Afgha.nistan and
Let Mex.ico fight the drug ca.rtels, on there own!!!
Mexican Drug Cartels, Wealthy
Don't you all know that the reason Mexico is having such a terrible problem with drug cartels, is because of POVERTY! Everyone is screaming "Those poor, poor Mexicans. What about the children!!! Give them a DREAM for the future! "The only way a honest Mexican citizen can survive, is buy selling poison." That is what they tell us, right?
The U.S. should not help in Mexico's war against themselves (the drug cartels), not at all. No money should be sent to Mexico to fight their narco-terrorist, not even the slightest bit. Not one U.S. centavo!
Mexico is the 14th most wealthiest nation, on earth. Just slightly less prosperous than Australia, and a little bit better off than S. Korea.
Mexico has a huge illicit drug buying/using market themselves... Mexican drug addicts have real buying power. The Mexican market is what the cartels are fighting over, not America's drug market!
The reason Mexico is plagued with drug-cartel/narco violence, is because of what is in Mexico itself... CORRUPT MEXICANS.
Shoot, that country's corruption rivals that of Afghanistan and Iraq. Let Mexico fight the drug cartels, on there own!!!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Congress Woman Shot
Yes. You are both right. I am very conservative when it comes to politics, but even I have to admit that Rep. Giffords is an extremely honest and fair politician. She is a true patriot, which is always an asset to this country. It is just so sad what happened to all of these good people.
This, Jared Loughner, guy is obviously suffering from schizophrenia. His ideology is straight from the psychology text book's chapter on schizophrenia. The liberals are trying to make it seem that a belief in small government, and the gov. is controlling my mind, is one and the same. Right wing pundits had nothing to do with this, and the far left knows it.
Bending the truth, so that the death of five patriotic citizens and an innocent 9 year old child, meets their political agenda, is truly heinous. The media should be fined, and the liberals (on these threads) who have taken part in it, should be ostracized by the community. Oh, but that is not the American way.
The media and their cohorts are paying a hefty price for their evil ways. The Chronicle and every other liberal media source, are barely keeping their heads above water. Many people, like myself, are abandoning the liberals everyday. It is only natural, that no one wants to be affiliated with them anymore.
My condolences to the family of the dead, and I wish the best for the injured and to have a speedy recovery. I wonder what Rep. Giffords will think about her fellow Democrats behavior, after she gets better?
Protected Species
Race Crime
It is always these "right wing para-military groups" who cause this type of trouble. We can never quite get them on tape. Whenever we see a video clip of these incidents, it always "appears" to be minority youths who are engaging in this behavior. The problem, is that they never pan over to see the Neo-Nazis that are behind the trouble. It is such a shame that those types will not let us live peacefully in our wonderful "post Obama era" society.
Immigration - Mexican Constitution
Friday, January 7, 2011
The expectation was that Rep. Lamar Smith, of Texas, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, would choose fellow Republican Rep. Steve King, of Iowa, to be the next chairman of the Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on immigration, citizenship and other related issues.
What does that first "quasi-sentence" even mean? Secondly, is the term "repubs" what the kids are calling liberals, now a days?
.... and isn't there an aborted baby that you should be tending to?
You guys are such hypocrites. You "talk the talk" on helping the poor, but you try and destroy them every chance that you get.
Hey, my wife and I are not endanger of loosing our jobs to illegal aliens. It takes a degree and a state licensure exam to work in my field. The working-poor with only a high school diploma, are the ones that will pay the price for illegal alien amnesty. Also, we will quickly deplete the funds for social services (welfare, food stamps,ect...). So, the poor who do not want to work, will take a major hit as well, but I do not really care about them. It is the working-poor that I would feel sorry for. They are some what protected right now, by the fact that people who come to this country legally generally do not want those low paying jobs, and illegals can't apply for them. When you open twenty million illegal aliens to working at Walmart, and being waiters at Red Lobster, the amnesty programs will kill them. The working-poor have already taken a massive hit by the internet, and outsourcing. Now, you all want to rob them of what few honest jobs they have left. Sad! It is just really sad.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
M Jackson
I could be wrong, but it seems pretty obvious to me.
"His dream job as Jackson's $150,000-a-month personal physician died along with Jackson on June 25, 2009, and, to make it worse, he stands accused of involuntary manslaughter. "
"The cardiologist, who also has a clinic in Las Vegas, could face not only a prison sentence of up to four years, but the revocation of his medical license if he is convicted."
Does anyone else find this article to be written strangely? It's like Jackson was just a living ATM machine, and it is worse for the Dr. to loose his license than to go to prison.
I kind of feel bad for Jackson. Yeah he was eccentric, even for a lunatic, but he was probably a nice person. No one in his life ever cared about him personally, only about what Jackson could do for them. Sad.