Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mexican Drug Cartels, Wealthy

What is really scary, is the narco/drug wars in Australia and S. Korea. I worry about those two narcotic hubs exploding into violence, everyday.
Don't you all know that the reason Mexico is having such a terrible problem with drug cartels, is because of POVERTY! Everyone is screaming "Those poor, poor Mexicans. What about the children!!! Give them a DREAM for the future! "The only way a honest Mexican citizen can survive, is buy selling poison." That is what they tell us, right?

The U.S. should not help in Mexico's war against themselves (the drug cartels), not at all. No money should be sent to Mexico to fight their narco-terrorist, not even the slightest bit. Not one U.S. centavo!

Mexico is the 14th most wealthiest nation, on earth. Just slightly less prosperous than Australia, and a little bit better off than S. Korea.

Mexico has a huge illicit drug buying/using market themselves... Mexican drug addicts have real buying power. The Mexican market is what the cartels are fighting over, not America's drug market!
The reason Mexico is plagued with drug-cartel/narco violence, is because of what is in Mexico itself... CORRUPT MEXICANS.
Shoot, that country's corruption rivals that of Afghanistan and Iraq. Let Mexico fight the drug cartels, on there own!!!

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