Houston Chronicle:
The expectation was that Rep. Lamar Smith, of Texas, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, would choose fellow Republican Rep. Steve King, of Iowa, to be the next chairman of the Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on immigration, citizenship and other related issues.
What does that first "quasi-sentence" even mean? Secondly, is the term "repubs" what the kids are calling liberals, now a days?
.... and isn't there an aborted baby that you should be tending to?
You guys are such hypocrites. You "talk the talk" on helping the poor, but you try and destroy them every chance that you get.
Hey, my wife and I are not endanger of loosing our jobs to illegal aliens. It takes a degree and a state licensure exam to work in my field. The working-poor with only a high school diploma, are the ones that will pay the price for illegal alien amnesty. Also, we will quickly deplete the funds for social services (welfare, food stamps,ect...). So, the poor who do not want to work, will take a major hit as well, but I do not really care about them. It is the working-poor that I would feel sorry for. They are some what protected right now, by the fact that people who come to this country legally generally do not want those low paying jobs, and illegals can't apply for them. When you open twenty million illegal aliens to working at Walmart, and being waiters at Red Lobster, the amnesty programs will kill them. The working-poor have already taken a massive hit by the internet, and outsourcing. Now, you all want to rob them of what few honest jobs they have left. Sad! It is just really sad.
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