Thursday, December 23, 2010


Houston Chronicle story:
"Harris County law enforcement agencies will again crack down on drunken drivers during Christmas and New Year's, but the expanded operations no will longer be limited to holiday weekends."
"The "no refusal" initiative — a countywide program that expedites search warrants for blood samples from drunken driving suspects who refuse breath tests"

Xliberalfool wrote:
Hey, I am fine with this. Give me a blood alcohol test, DNA test, pull my hair out - for a drug test, get a warrant to make me turn my head & cough, or do colonoscopy on me... anything like that is alright by me.
Just as long as they do not ask to see our drivers license, registration, or proof of insurance. The police asking to see someone's papers, is too much like Nazi Germany! It may also put unequal burden on minority drivers.

...or at least that is what B.O.'s lackey, A.G. Eric Holder, has been telling us.

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