Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tim Wise "Asshat Liberal"

This posting is from my blog on the Houston Chronicle.

I have been sick for a while, so this one almost slipped by me!

“Tuesday, November 16, S.P.I.T. Knowledge: Tim Wise, 'White Previledge' (PV A&M Spelling), MSC Auditorium, 6:30 p.m..”

Okay. Here is the deal. Tim Wise is an extreme, far left, hate monger, whom basically earns a living by selling books and giving seminars on how conservative Anglos are pretty much the root of all evil. You can think of him as the extreme, far left, version of a one man Ku Klux Klan. He does not preach diversity, as much as he preaches hate that divides!

Apparentely, P.V. A&M University invited him to give a speach about "White Prevlige" (That P.V. A&M's spelling!), on Tuesday November 16th at their auditorium.

Excerpts from his “Open Letter to the White Right”:

- “Fine, so screw you then.

Because you’re a dying breed.

On the endangered list.

And unlike say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving.”


- “You have won a small battle (referring to midterm elections) in a larger war the meaning of which you do not remotely understand.

‘Cuz there is nothing even slightly original about you.”


Why would this “Wise guy” be coming to a conservative area to preach his hate and intolerance? Prairie View A&M University is in NorthWest Houston. It may be a historically black university, but does that mean that historically Anglo universities should cater to the KKK? Of course not!

A Univeristy in a Blue State would work out much better. My only conclusion is that he is using the same playbook as the moronic Neo Nazis that are supposedly his arch enemy. The moronic Neo Nazis have long used the ploy to hold rallies in black neighborhoods. Why would they do this, you ask? Looking for new recruits? Doubtful. These idiots hold their rallies in black neighborhoods, so that the blacks will loot and pillage their own stores and homes!....And unfortunately... it usually works.

So, will we conservative Texans burn Houston to the ground? No. It’s not our style. What we can do is call and tell P.V. A&M University just how we feel about them hosting hate mongers and extremist. We can remind them who holds the proverbial “purse strings” here in Texas, and just whom their donors are! We’ll just give them a little “vocal” nudge in the RIGHT direction. They need to be thinking about who won in the Texas mid-term elections, and where we can make some fiscal spending cuts in order to get our budget balanced (wink)! They are a State funded University after all.

I think that P.V. A&M University calling this seminar S.P.I.T., is pretty acurate.

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