Sunday, January 9, 2011

Congress Woman Shot, take it like a man!

Yahoo News article:

"In the aftermath of the Giffords’ shooting, a debate over heated political rhetoric"

"The ubiquitous nature of the internet means that not only threats, but hate speech and other inciteful speech is much more readily available to individuals than quite clearly it was eight or ten or fifteen years ago," Mueller said. "That absolutely presents a challenge for us, particularly when it results in what would be lone wolves or lone offenders undertaking attacks."
From Yahoo News

I have been saying this for years! I think that John Lennon's "vitriol" music and the internet providing 24 hours a day access to it, caused that wacko Chapman, to assassinate John Lennon.
"On Sunday, politicians from both sides of the aisle cautioned against inflamed rhetoric,"

It seems to me, that politicians from both sides of the aisle, should be cautioning against schizophrenics who smoke tons of pot.

Why is it that this "vitriol" speech was okay and fine, for the 8 years that George W. Bush was president, but now that a liberal is in the White House... it is vitriolic hate speech & completely out of line. Just another double standard from the liberals. Liberals, if you can dish it out - then you can take it. Just bite the pillow, and take it like a "man", because we Republicans "have our sites set" on the White House, in 2012. Conservatives are going to "blow the polls up" come November, 2012.

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