Monday, January 10, 2011

Congress Woman Shot

PDoggy wrote:
"Sorry Watch, but Glocks with 30 round clips, affiliating with white supremacists, calling a classmate a "terrorist for killing the baby" when she read a poem about abortion, and advocating for the gold standard are all extreme right wing views."
This is important information. That statement on abortion, almost certainly means that our "good friend" Jared Loughner was a right wing conservative.
Then why, why, why wouldn't PDoggy (a liberal)give a source for such damning information? Maybe it is because he is just lazy. No, I doubt it.
Do you think it could be that he doesn't want us to know what the rest of the article says?
Lets take a look: (Keep in mind that the NY Times is an extremely liberal newspaper.)
“As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal. & oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy,” the former classmate, Caitie Parker, wrote in a series of Twitter feeds Saturday. “I haven’t seen him since ’07 though. He became very reclusive.”
“He was a political radical & met Giffords once before in ’07, asked her a question & he told me she was ‘stupid & unintelligent,’ ” she wrote."
Excerpt from the NY Times newspaper
I am so sick of the far left liberal's lies and half truths!!! Yesterday, I saw that some liberal had written that Loughner had put Sarah Palin in his "likes list" on Facebook. I saw Loughner's Facebook page before they took it down. The liberal's statement was a complete fabrication. No wonder we do not want you liberals writing our childrens' history books!
Yes, Loughner did not like illegal immigration, many Democrats these days, do not... including Rep. Giffords. Many Democrats also do not like the killing of unborn babies, like Senator Harry Reid (D) NV.
Now, I am willing to admit that this guy killed because he was schizo, and not because he was a liberal. But I am tired of you liberals lying and telling half truths, to try and prove your false theory, that right leaning political pundits made this guy go on a killing spree. It is pure hateful BS and you all know it.

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