Thursday, January 13, 2011

Liberal Vitriol

We, conservative Republicans, owe a huge debt to the liberal left. The liberal left, during the Bush administration, gave us 8 years of "vitriolic", hate inspired rhetoric. They completely demonized the Republicans and Pres. George W. Bush, and I feel obligated to return the favor. The lefties blamed us for everything that went wrong, during those 8 years. Hell, Obama blamed conservative for everything that happened in the first two years of his presidency. He would still be blaming conservatives to this very day, if the liberal media hadn’t told him that the American public wasn’t buying it anymore.

The liberal Democrats called our soldiers TERORRISTS, who have killed 300,000 Iraqi civilians. The majority of liberals think that we were attacked on 9/11 because of “Dubya’s” foreign policy, even though Mohamed Atta planned & trained had entered the U.S. to commit the attacks, by June 2000, before Bush was even elected president.

A poll conducted by Ohio University found that 36% of Americans think that either Pres. Bush was actively involved in the 9/11 attacks, or gave his permission for them to be carried out. I highly doubt that these people consider themselves as conservatives.

Liberals are known for disrupting political debates and public gatherings by screaming that Pres. Bush carried out the 9/11 attacks.

Durring the 2008 and Presidential elections, vitriolic, hateful leftwing propaganda organization) implied that Gen. Petraeus is a traitor for saying that the troop surge plan was working. Pres. Obama has now been put Gen. Petraeus incharge ig the war in Afghanistan.

The vitriol that I have just described is the most hateful, vile, downright evil, political rhetoric that I can imagine.

I loved Pres. Obama’s speech, I thought that it was hilarious.

This man grabbed the keys to the “liberal, vitriolic, hateful rhetoric car”, pressed the pedal to the metal, and drove it all the way from Chicago to the White House. For the last two years he has been in the liberal hate car doing donuts on the front lawn of the White House. He has shoved laws down our throats. Now that we conservatives have finally gotten on our “hateful rhetoric moped”, Obama wants to take the keys from us, and make us walk down “quit your bitching avenue”. Well, you have 6 years worth of hate coming, and unless the liberals go bankrupt in 2012 like I predict, we are going to make sure you receive back every bit of it… plus interest!

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